Chapter 25

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My head hurts when I open my eyes, I'm in the hospital wing. I look around to see if anyone is there, no one. I open my eyes completely and sit up,

"Hello?" I call out unsteadily.

"You're awake! How are you feeling?" Nurse Blainey asks, walking over.

"My head hurts, what happened?" I ask.

"You collapsed, I checked you over and it's due to your body being so stressed out. To my understanding, you haven't been in classes? Homework piling up?" She asks.

I nod, "Yeah..."

"Your body couldn't handle it, muggles do this all of the time, and just because you are a witch does not mean you're immune to stress." She lectures.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"Only fifteen minutes," she says.

Thank god. I cannot miss any more classes. Nurse Blainey casts a few spells, checking on my wellbeing before I rush to my first class. Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"Are you okay?" Atticus whispers.

"Just faint, still sick," I whisper back.

"Did you tell Sebastian about his idiotic idea about this Inferi nonsense?" He asks.

"It only drove him further to figuring this out," I sigh angrily. "He said I'll be able to keep everyone safe,"

"He's an idiot." Atticus says.

"Atticus..." I say while looking up at him, "he's just wanting to cure his sister,"

"His sister was cursed by goblins, no one knows what exactly was casted. Especially since it was goblins," he reminds me.

"I know, but we also know that he won't stop until Anne is pain free," I say, forcing a smile.

"He's going to get everyone killed. Who is going into this catacomb and what's the plan?" Atticus asks.

"Sebastian is going to go in and get everything set up, Ominis and Anne will be arriving... then I show up, if everything goes to plan– Anne may be leaving pain free or–" I explain the plan.

"Or she dies?" Atticus finishes for me.

"Atticus, can you not be so negative?" I scold.

"I'm being realistic. It's an ancient relic that Sebastian stole from a grave– he's an idiot and naive. If I believed everything I saw, I would've been able to avenge my family a long time ago," he snaps.

I don't reply and instead turn to face Professor Hecat for our new lesson today. Sebastian seems more excited than usual to be here. He was answering questions and volunteering to demonstrate a new spell dueling technique. Professor Hecat praised him throughout class for getting his "spark" back. I wish I could tell her why, maybe she could step in– stop him.

Sebastian was like that throughout all of the other classes I had with him. Ominis looked tired but he let his friend have his day. I was worried, I had focused all of my time on Sebastian and this dumb relic that I haven't had time to practice my magic. After tomorrow, I'm done helping him. I refuse to be a puppet to his crazed antics anymore.

What if this goes horribly wrong?

What if we die? I don't think I could live with myself if I can't save everyone in the catacomb.

What if I'm the reason Anne dies? Ominis? Sebastian?

"Freya!" Lenora says, snapping her fingers in front of my face, "are you there?"

"Hm? Sorry!" I blush as I pick at my food, "just thinking,"

"You've been so stressed lately," Lenora says, "we should go for a relaxing day!"

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