Chapter 17

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When we get back to Hogwarts, Sebastian spots us. He shoots me a confused look and glares at Atticus,

"What are you doing?" He asks crossing his arms as he approaches us.

"Sebastian–" I start but he's looking at Atticus, he's angry.

"Don't worry about it Sallow, I haven't stolen her yet," he smirks, "But if I were you, I'd keep a closer eye on her. Who knows what may happen,"

"Do you always have to be like this!?" Sebastian starts to grab for his wand.

"He just walked in with me, we weren't together," I tell him, it's a complete lie but I don't need them to fight right now... I need to get to Fig.

He sighs and his body becomes relaxed, he turns to me, "Okay,"

Atticus laughs, "All it took for her to tell you to back off? I don't let a girl control me,"

Before anything more can happen, I grab Sebastian's arms, "It's not worth it,"

"You're right," Sebastian says still glaring at Atticus, "I have better things to do,"

We walk away from Atticus and I look over my shoulder, glaring at Atticus but also saying a silent "thank you." Sebastian and I kiss once inside of the castle walls, he pulls away and I smile at him.

"What have you been up to?" I ask, really hoping he won't ask me.

"Homework, where did you go?" He asks.

"I had to do another task," I lie.

"Those professors are keeping you busy," Sebastian says sneaking another kiss.

"Speaking of which," I say pulling away, "I have to go,"

"Of course," Sebastian says, "Will I be able to see you at dinner?"

I nod, "I hope,"

I leave Sebastian and make my way to Fig's office, I report all of our findings– Leaving out any mention of Atticus.

"They're building a big drill of some sort," I say, "But the mine where we found the plans is far too small for it,"

Fig is quiet, he's thinking and wondering what they could be doing, "So they're going after these repositories? Perhaps they need bigger to cover more area at once... they're not really willing to listen to reason," Fig is mostly thinking aloud now.

"What do we do?" I ask him.

"We will... We will wait to see if Lodgok can get any more information," Fig says, "I will also be traveling to the Ministry later this week to see if I can get any more updates, in the meantime–"

"Focus on my studies," I smile and nod, "Of course,"

He smiles, "Have fun and stay safe,"

"I will, you too," I say.

When I leave the classroom, Atticus is staring me down. I try to ignore him but he pushes off of the wall with his foot and walks towards me, towering over me– trying to intimidate me.

"What do you want?" I ask crossing my arms.

"So whatever you have going on has to do with Fig?" He asks me.

"No? It's none of your business," I say.

"Hufflepuff, you brought me because I could translate Gobbledegook and you brought me into a mine that was overrun with Ranrok's Loyalists. I deserve more than a "none of your business"," he says.

I hate that he's right, "I can't tell you here or right now," I whisper.

"And here I thought I was the one with the biggest secret," he says. "But you already know that secret, don't you?"

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