📺 Balan Wonderworld As A TV Show (Season 3) 📺

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Here is Season 3 for Balan Wonderworld if it were to be a TV show!

Down below are the list of episodes and their summaries!

Season 3

The Show Must Go On!: When a few of the cast members get sick, Leo and Haoyu offer to take their places...only, neither of them are good at acting.

Hot, Hot, Hot: Summer is here and already all of Highland Isle is experiencing a blackout. How will they deal with this?

Emma Has A What!?: Leo hears rumors of Emma dating someone in school. And it's bad enough that he gets jealous easily. Who is this boy that Emma is allegedly dating?

Sweet Tooth: Leo's favorite dessert ends up giving him a terrible toothache. The only way he could have it treated is by facing his worst fear—going to the dentist.

Klepto-Kitty: Cass's kitten loves giving her presents, though the presents she gives her are stuff that she stole from others...

Seaside Serenade: Haoyu wants to write a serenade for Fiona so that he could confess to her, but writing songs prove to be a lot harder than he anticipated.

Memory Loss: During his fight with NiGHTS, Reala accidentally hits his head and loses his memory. Will he be able to get his memory back?

The Case Of The Strange Fertilizer: Someone leaves a package for Jose, containing a brand of fertilizer that he's never heard of. But as soon as Jose uses it, funny things happen to his crops.

John And Jane Doe: Iben encounters a man and a woman who claim to be relatives of her. Later on, news spread around about an unidentified couple who are actually scam artists...

Butterfly Besties: Yuri finds an injured butterfly and nurses it back to health. But when she tries to let it go, the butterfly won't leave.

Raggedy—NiGHTS And Reala!?: NiGHTS's and Reala's fight causes them to get caught in the middle of a spell, transforming them into...cute dolls. Will they be able to change back to their usual selves before Wizeman finds out?

Welcome To The World Of Art: Lucy finds a beautiful sculpture of herself in her stage that she could have sworn wasn't there before. But everyday, the sculpture's position changes...

The Wager: Balan and Lance make a bet on whether or not Sana and Eis would fall for each other.

Shopping Spree!: Leo and Haoyu learn the hard (and hilarious) way on what happens when they tag along with Emma when it comes to shopping.

Balan's Wonderworld Juice: Balan always keeps a stash of his "Wonderworld Juice" as he likes to call it. But what happens when NiGHTS takes a swig of it?

NiGHTS's New Ability?: NiGHTS's decision in taking a power tablet causes them to gain a new ability. The question is: what ability did they gain?

A Present For Cal: With his birthday coming up, Lucy wants to get him the best present ever. So she decides to try her hand at sculpting.

Silly Lance!: After accidentally eating some catnip, Lance starts to behave...like a playful and mischievous kitten.

The New Girl: A new girl moves into Leo's neighborhood. Yet, she's rarely seen in public...

Attilio And The Search For Daisy: When Cass's kitten goes missing, Attilio offers to help her look for Daisy.

Prank Wars: Both Balan and NiGHTS love pranks. So they both decide to start a prank war, inviting everyone to join them.

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