crystal balling (J.K)

Start from the beginning

Jennie's hair at the back of her nape stand up, and she almost snarls. "Who the fuck else."

Jisoo rolls her eyes. "You seriously need to grow up. Y/n isn't as bad as you make her out to be-"

"Don't you dare side with the enemy now."

"Jesus Christ," Jisoo mutters under her breath.

Y/l/n Y/n.

Twenty-two, Business major, rich, friends with everyone, also more than friends with half the student body because the other half isn't up to her standards and last but not least, the only person on this campus that can make Jennie feel like throwing up by doing nothing but simply looking at her.

Which is a bit of a dilemma, since they're roommates.

Which hasn't always been the case. Heck, up until the start of this semester half a year ago, Jennie didn't even know about Y/n's existence. She was happily rooming together with her best friend and she wasn't this old, bitter person she is today.

But then Y/n transferred to their school, and the administration staff decided it was okay to have her move in with Jennie and have Jisoo move in with their dorm neighbor Roseanne since her own roommate dropped out.

Jennie was absolutely livid when she got the news, all but stormed into their office the second she heard of it, and demanded to know why they couldn't just have Y/n move in with Roseanne, only to be slapped in the face with the information that both Roseanne and Jisoo had handed in a request for Jisoo to move in with her.

Because see, her best friend had secretly started hooking up with Roseanne behind her back.

Jennie was betrayed.

By her own best friend.

But she's known Jisoo her whole life, considers her her own sister, and she could never hold grudges when it comes to that girl, and the next logical thing to do was to do take out her frustration on Y/n instead.

And boy did Jennie take out her frustration.

Because the second Y/n walked into her dorm, all tall and beautiful and smelling of rich Gucci cologne, opening her mouth to give Jennie a friendly smile and introduce herself, Jennie said

"Don't talk to me."

Y/n's face fell and she slowly lowered her box of belongings. "What's your problem?"

"You are."

"I haven't even introduced myself."

"You don't need to. I know who you are and I hate you."

Y/n laughed incredulously, her brows ticking in irritation. "Are you high or something?"

"No, fuck off. Just don't talk to me. Ever."

Y/n stared at her like Jennie grew a second head before she muttered a curse under her breath, something about Jennie being crazy and how the hell she ended up here. She picked up her box and moved to her side of the room. "Nice to meet you, too. Asshole."

Which is how their introduction went half a year ago, and ever since, their conversations have consisted of nothing but throwing insults at each other and avoiding the other's presence as best as they could.

Not that that was a problem. Y/n is almost out all the time. If she isn't sitting in her classes, she's either out drinking or hooking up with girls god knows where. Jennie nearly ripped the girl's dick off when she got back to their dorm one day back when they'd just started living together, only to find Y/n balls deep inside a girl on Jennie's bed.

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