Estarossa passed a figure who opened his dark eyes, growling lowly as meliodas sneakily comes up behind him but Estarossa manage to spot him causing him to swing the stone piece but the beast dodge it in time and he goes in front of Estarossa, going to launch at him but the tall man used the stone piece to block his attack.

They started to push each other, holding into the stone piece, then meliodas let go, backing away, and Estarossa began swinging the stone piece at meliodas, but he kept dodging it.

"It's over, beast! Y/n is mine!" Estarossa shouted.

Meliodas narrows his eyes, his body filled with rage as he snarled, he then smacked him hard causing Estarossa to let go of the stone piece and he picked Estarossa by his neck and held him out over the edge of the roof.

"Let me go. Let me go! Please, don't hurt me!" Estarossa begged as he held into his wrist, struggling as he had fear on his face."I'll do anything! Anything!" He pleaded more, meliodas anger slowly melted away from his face and he narrows his eyes, glaring at the tall man, he pulled Estarossa back onto the roof slowly as the tall man let out a whimper of fright.

"Get out." Meliodas ordered strictly, shoving him to the ground having him grunt.

"Meliodas!" Y/n called out as she had finally arrived at the balcony of meliodas lair, looking over at the blonde man.

Meliodas quickly turns to see his beloved, his eyes lit up. "Y/n!" He exclaimed happily, a loving smile on his face, y/n reached her hand towards him as he climbed up the roof towards the (h/c) haired woman."Y/n?" Meliodas smile warmly, reaching his hand to her as y/n inches her hand to him.

The prince claw hand took hold of her soft ones as their fingers intertwine, he finally made it up to the balcony, "You came back."

Meliodas placed his other hand on her cheek, stroking it as she smiled happily towards him, leaning against his touch with a blush on her cheek as meliodas went to lean his face towards her.

But meliodas let out a painful roar as y/n eyes widened, she gasped in horror as Estarossa had stabbed his side with a large knife as he has crept up behind him when he had his gaurd down, he smirked evilly.

Meliodas roars out in agony as he move his arm to try and hit Estarossa but he move away in time but it caused him to loose his grip and fall off the roof, screaming out as he falls to his death.

The prince was also gonna fall but y/n grabbed a hold of him in time and helped him climb into the balcony and she gently place him on the floor as she had extreme worry in her eyes.

Merlin, ban and king came running, but to their shock and horror, they saw their master wounded having their eyes widened in fear and concern.

Y/n stroke his cheek, causing him to grunt, opening his eyes as he gazed up at her. "You..." He breathes heavily."You came back." He smiled softly.

"Of course I came back. I couldn't let them..." she trailed off as she breath shakily, holding back tears as she ran her fingers through his blonde hair "Oh this is all my fault. If only I'd gotten here sooner." She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him close as she looked at him with guilt and concern.

"Maybe it's better... it's better this way." Meliodas weakly told her as y/n shook her head.

"Don't talk like that." Y/n sniffed as she stroked his face on the side gently."You'll be alright." Meliodas let out a cough as he could feel himself getting weak."We're together now. Everything's going to be fine, you'll see." She told him, her voice slowly breaking as she tried to convince him and herself.

Meliodas smiled faintly, he place his hand on her cheek, caressing her cheek as he stared at her with love and adoration, "At least I got to see you..." He breathed weakly as he had his fingers through her (h/c) hair "one last time."

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