Be Our Guest

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It has been silent for awhile in the other side of the castle but then a door is heard open as Y/n silently walked out of her room, quietly closing the door behind her and began to walk down the hallway.

She didn't even notice three light orbs shining behind the window curtains and began to move as she continued walking down the hallway, passing the curtains towards where the kitchen might be.

"Oh, no!" A young woman is heard behind the curtains.

"Oh, yes!" Ban voice is also heard behind the curtains.

"Oh, no!" The featherduster named Elaine giggled.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes!" Ban continues saying.

"I've been burnt by you before!" Elaine exclaimed as she walked out from behind the curtain with ban following as he got himself out of the curtain with a grin and ban dipped her down, letting out a mishief chuckled.

Elaine chuckled as ban leaned in to kiss her, but he looked up and dropped elaine onto the floor, who gasped from the sudden dropped as ban saw Y/n walking down the hallway quietly.

"Zut alors! She has emerged!" Ban said in worry as he had a panic look on his face.

Y/n walked down the stairs, looking around.


In the kitchen, merlin and arthur stood on a countertop in front of a cabinet full of teacups.

"Come on, arthur. Into the cupboard." Merlin told her Lil brother and helped him hop into the cabinet where the teacups are sleeping in.

Arthur yawned as he had a sleepy expression on his face. "But I'm not sleepy!" He whined.

"Yes, you are." She smiled.

"No, I'm..." Arthur trailed off, but his eyelids began dropping. "...not." he finally passed out to sleep as merlin closed the cabinet with a soft smile.

The banging of pots and pans caught merlin's attention, who glanced over at the cooker.

"I work, and I slave all day, and for what?" The cooker asked who is stove, and he opened one of the pans that had food inside of it. "A culinary masterpiece gone to waste." He had a disappointment look on his face as he placed the lid back on the pan.

"Oh, stop your grousing. It's been a long night for all of us." Merlin agured as she hopped over to another table.

"Well, if you ask me, she was just being stubborn." King threw a napkin into a drawer, letting out a huff."After all, he did say 'please'."

"But if the master doesn't learn to control that temper, he'll never break the..." Merlin was cut off by king who interrupted her when the door was heard open, showing y/n entering the kitchen as king glanced over at her with a smile.

"Splendid to see you out and about, mademoiselle." He said politely as y/n walks towards king with ban running behind her. "I am king, head of the household." He bowed down as y/n crouched down to his level

The amber clock went to grab her hand to give it a kiss but ban butted in front of him, grabbing her hand, giving y/n a flirty look. "This is ban." King scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Enchante, chérie." Ban greeted the (h/c) haired woman, wiggling his eyebrows at her and began kissing Y/n's hand for a very long time.

"If there's..." King tried to say but ban would get in his way by blocking King's way."Stop that..." King tried to push him away but only to fail again."Anything that we...please." King finally shoves the candlestick out of the way, standing in front of y/n, putting his in front of ban. "Can do to make your stay more comfortable." Ban began to burn his hand by making King shriek out in pain."Ow!!"

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