The End

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Meliodas sat on a chair with his gaze towards the window as the rain poured down, hitting the window as the rose was next to him.

The door is heard opening as Estarossa comes inside. He sees meliodas, and he points his arrow towards him.

Meliodas looked over, seeing Estarossa, who had a smirk as he let out a whimper of sadness, looking away with pain still in his dark eyes.

Estarossa grinned and let go of the arrow as it pierced into meliodas' shoulder, causing him to yell in pain, standing up quickly.

Estarossa ran and shoved meliodas out of the window, causing him to land on his balcony as the silver haired man laughs.

The tall man goes through the broken window as the prince slowly gets up, using the rail for support jumps, and then Estarossa pushes him off, causing him to roll through the roof. "Get up." Meliodas looked at him, Estarossa kicked him, having him push to the edge of the roof."Get up!"

"What's the matter beast?" Estarossa let out a wicked laugh."Too gentle and kind to fight back?" He mocked as meliodas only groans in response, looking away.

Estarossa went over and grabbed a stone stick piece from the castle as he went over to him with an angry expression on his face as he lifted it.

"No!" Y/n yelled out as meliodas slowly opened his eyes. His eyes widened by seeing y/n there on the bridge with worry and panicked on her face.

"Y/n." Meliodas called out to her softly, "No! Estarossa, don't!" Y/n shouted out as Estarossa went to swing the stone piece at the beast."meliodas!" Y/n yelled out in worry.

Meliodas managed to grab it and stood up while growling at Estarossa like an animal, glaring at him.


"Let's go, philippe." Y/n told her horse as her father got off the horse, looking up of what's happening on the roof.

Philippe let out a neigh and slammed himself through the doors of the castle.


Meliodas used all of his strength to push him back more as Estarossa struggled against his strength.

Estarossa managed to get meliodas to let go of the stone piece, he swing it to him, but meliodas dodged it as Estarossa backed away, glaring at the beast.

Meliodas growls, going towards him as Estarossa keeps trying to hit him, but the prince grabs the stone piece, causing Estarossa to lose his footing and almost fall off the roof, but he grabbed hold of it.

The blonde man launched towards the tall man, tackling him, causing them to fall to another roof of the castle.


Y/n had gotten off the horse quickly and started to run up the stairs with a panicked look on her face.

She hopes that she will make it in time as her heart is beating with an anxious feeling in her.


Estarossa landed on the roof, and he used all of his power to shove meliodas off him, causing him to go into the darkness.

The tall man stood up quickly and went to a figure that he thought. It was meliodas, but when he smacked its head, it was a statue.

"Come on out and fight!" Estarossa growled as he walked through the darkness as he moved his wet hair off his face."Were you in love with her, beast?" Estarossa asked and walked through the shadow. "Did you honestly think she'd want you when she had someone like me?"

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