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The next day Isabelle woke up, since she was an early bird, she would often wake up before anyone else.

Today she woke up at 5:00 AM...

Ginny was still sleeping peacefully, so Isabelle let her sleep for a while.

As Isabelle went down the hall to the common room, her stomach grumbled.

She was very hungry.

Well, good thing she had some blueberry muffins saved from yesterday.

As she went into the gryffindor common room she stopped dead in her tracks as she saw none other than Ron... eating her muffins.

She stared, open mouthed at Ron.

"What?" Ron finally noticed her and raised an eyebrow, confused.

"Uh- well-" She started. She never really liked accusing people of things, or telling them that they're wrong, or regretful, she never wanted to put anyone down... like people usually did to her.

She didn't want him to feel guilty for eating her muffins.

"N- nothing." She smiled, the kinda smile that doesn't reach your eyes, the kinda smile that feels sad, or fake.

Ron suddenly noticed writing on the top of the muffin box.

He flipped the top and looked, wide eyed at the writing.


He quickly stopped eating and looked guiltily at the ground.

"Sorry..." Ron muttered.

"It's okay..." She responded quickly, she always said this when someone apologized, even when she wasn't okay.

It was like a habit, to always say that she was 'okay' or 'fine' even when she wasn't.

She felt okay this time, it was okay. So what if he ate her muffins? He didn't know they were hers.

Ron looked at her and smiled apologetically.

"Nuh uh, it's not 'okay', Isabelle." He shook his head.

"It is." She insisted.

He stood up.

Isabelle looked at him confused.

"Come, I wanna show you something." He smiled and gestured for her to stand up.

She stood up, still confused.

They walked out of the common room.

"I still don't get where you're taking me." Isabelle said, walking next to him.

"You'll see.." Ron grinned.

Sometimes their hands brushed against each other, and Isabelle felt flustered for some reason..

They arrived somewhere, Isabelle looking confused, stood behind Ron while he stepped forward.

Isabelle blinked.

There was a door.

A door that came out of nowhere.

Ron looked back at her and smiled, holding out his hand.

Isabelle raised an eyebrow, taking his hand, a sudden warmth spread over her, she felt her cheeks heat up just from him holding her hand.

They entered the room.

It was full of food, all kinds.

Burgers, chicken, fries, steak, rice, etc...

There were desserts, drinks, fast food, every food you can think of, it was there.

Isabelle gasped, looking at all the food in awe.

"H- how?-"

"This is the Room of Requirement, It basically is like heaven, huh?" He smiled and nudged her playfully.

She grinned and sat as they both started eating in silence, even if they wanted to talk, they couldn't because their faces were stuffed with food the whole time.

They finally finished eating after a while.

Isabelle looked at him happily.

"All of that just because you ate my muffins? Ron, I told you it was oka-"

"No, Belle, I wanted to take you." He tilted his head and smiled.


He called her Belle.

Only her father ever called her that.

She glimpsed at him, and smiled back.

That smile, her smile, was all he needed for his heart to melt.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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