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Isabelle watched as the train stopped, still looking annoyed that she had to go to another Wizarding school. She really loved Durmstrang and had a lot of friends there, going to Hogwarts was something new for her, her mom used to go there so she had convinced her. She crossed her fingers that the year would go alright at least...

"Good luck!" Her mother said as she went into the train.

She sat in a compartment, book in hand, and started reading, hoping no one would come in there. She didn't really like talking with people that much.

But of course, luck wasn't on her side, as she saw two identical redheads walk into the compartment and sit opposite her, not long after another redhead, looking younger than them walked in and sat next to her, accompanied by a dark, messy haired guy with glasses and a scar on his forehead, whom she immediately recognized as Harry Potter.

She was a bit introverted, therefore she hated every second of this.

"Hi, new student?" said one of the red headed twins, grinning.

"Yeah" she said, not wanting to continue talking, looking back at her book again.

"Want one of these?" He grinned, pointing to a piece of candy in his hand.

"No, thanks" She said, shaking her head.

"Ohh come on, have one, they're very good" he handed her the candy, and whispered something she couldn't hear to his twin.

She reluctantly took the candy and ate it, and for a few seconds she enjoyed it. It did taste pretty good like he said, but then suddenly...

She felt her face and hands go blue, she looked shocked and horrified, looking back at them.

"Awee, why so blue?" He said as he and his twin started laughing.

"Fred!" The red headed boy next to her shouted.

"Oh come on, Ron! It's just a silly little prank, wanted to welcome the newbies." The red headed guy she now knew was Fred continued laughing uncontrollably with his twin.

After a few moments her skin went back to normal again.

"Sorry about them." Ron said, smiling at her.

"I- It's okay..." She said, looking embarrassed, and still horrified at what happened.

'It can't get worse than this.' She thought to herself

"I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley." He smiled at her.

"Isabelle Ford." She nodded and smiled back, not knowing what to do, hoping this conversation would be over.

Soon silence filled the compartment as the only crackling was of the trolley that came into sight, and the voice of an old woman said: "Anything from the trolley, dears?"

This was gonna be a long year.

I hope i did well for the first and second chapters! I'm really new to writing, so any advice is very appreciated! And if you have any plot ideas please comment or message me!! Bye loves <33

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