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After class, Isabelle went to the library, waiting for Ginny.

Her and Ginny became pretty close friends since they lived together in a dorm, they would both often stay up at night, talking about stuff, Isabelle told Ginny about her life at Durmstrang, and Ginny told her about her life with her chaotic family.

Isabelle was curious to see what was so important that Ginny had to tell her.

Suddenly she heard the door creak as she saw four people walk into the library.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

Hermione, Harry, and Ginny sat in front of her, while Ron sat next to her.

She looked at all their faces and raised an eyebrow.

"Well... what is so urgent?" Isabelle looked confused.

"Also.. are you Hermione Granger?" Isabelle looked at Hermione shocked.

"Y- yes..." Was all Hermione could say.

"Brightest witch of all time, I heard." Isabelle nodded at her, looking amazed.

"Thank you..." Hermione blushed and smiled at the compliment.

"Well... time to tell you why you're here, Isabelle." Ginny nodded impatiently, wanting to finish the conversation.

"So you know Umbridge, right?" Said Ron next to her.

She nodded.

"W- wait... you mean that toad woman?" She looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh- well- yeah..." He chuckled a bit but then stopped when he saw everyone's impatient faces.

Isabelle now noticed how close they were sitting, it made her feel a bit flustered, she didn't know why though...

Hermione started. "So, since she has been torturing everyone with her existence, not teaching us propper Defensive spells, we've decided-"

Ron interrupted her. "To create a group, it will be called Dumbledore's Army. Basically-"

Hermione cut him off. " Harry will be the leader, he will teach us all kinds of spells to use in the real world..."

"Against Voldemort." Isabelle finished her sentence, everyone flinched at the name.

"We'll ask more people to join, and use a piece of parchment to seal-the-deal. So... you in?" Ron said, smiling at her warmly.

Hermione kicked Ron hard under the table.

"Ouch! What?" He whisper-shouted and glared at Hermione as she glared back at him.

"Stop interrupting me" Hermione whispered to him angrily.

"I'm in."

✩ ✩ ✩

Isabelle went to her dorm that night, a rush of excitement filled her.

She was going to join a secret group.

It was oddly exciting.

The year was going by well after all...

Isabelle went into the bathroom and changed into her pjs.

She went and lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.

"Hey- sleeping beauty!" A voice came from next to her, startling her.

"What did you just call me?" She looked at Ginny and raised an eyebrow.

"Wanna go with me and Luna to Hogsmeade tomorrow, we can do a lot of fun stuff!" Ginny looked at her excitedly.

"Uh- sure, just let me sleep right now..." Isabelle nodded sleepily, and as her head hit the pillow, she went into a deep sleep.

"Okay, sleeping beauty..." Ginny whispered as she went to her bed, grinning.

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