Chapter 4: the house

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After the little conversation at Msytic Grill Stiles and Isaac went to Stiles' car and drove to the house that belongs to the Blackwood family . 

Stiles entered the entry code then entered the gate and the garage automatically opened with the key in Stiles' hand and then parked the car in the garage  .Stiles  and Isaac got out of the car and went through the door leading to the kitchen , ( everything they owned was sent to the house in advance ) .

Stiles started to prepare lunch for them and Isaac sat in the Theatre room  and put on  Star Wars waiting for Stiles to finish so they could eat. 

After 30 min or so Stiles came in with sandwiches and fresh apple juice for them to feast upon and they ate while watching the marathon.  Meanwhile in Beacon Hills ...

After the duo left things started going out of control, as Stiles was the researcher who could find  anything for the pack  now that he was gone  Lydia had to take his place and unfortunately she did not fill the role well as she didn't get information that was enough to help them against other supernaturals (It has been 2 weeks as Stiles had to call cleaners to clean the mansion and stock up on essentials and food while traveling to find ingredients for magic) .

The pack is currently in a pack meeting with Peter watching with amusement as the pack were nearly this close to losing against a rogue Alpha because of a plan that was not well thought out ,Scott sighed '' Guys , what are we going to do ? We were nearly killed last night  because of the plan Lydia came up with .''  ,Lydia replies '' Excuse me but how was I supposed to know that it wouldn't work the way I imagined it, and let us not forget that you don't listen Scott as you shouldn't be trying to sweet talk an Alpha that came to the town to kill people , and guys let's admit it , we need Stiles . He was the researcher and he always had a full proof plan to deal with supernaturals , we should ask for help.'' 

'' Why should we ask help from a liar , saying that he and Derek were dating  ?'' Jackson asked , while Derek's faces showed pain and sadness along with his scent which confused the pack , then lydia looked their Alpha's face and said ''Stiles was telling the truth ,wasn't he, but you got scared  because  you were still in the closet ,right?'' .

His face alone showed the truth and everyone looked at Derek with shock and anger that he did not tell them the truth and let Stiles look like a fool  by keeping silent, Peter started chuckling as they finally know the truth, '' So we all insulted Stiles thinking he was lying when in fact you were dating  and you decided to chicken out , wow .'' he said '' You are all dumb , you all have shown Stiles that you never cared for him at all and just used him for information and planning, the only ones who were not here were Cora , Boyd and Erica , as Cora was out and the couple were visiting family and I was obviously not invited  and now you lost the only smart pack member that cared for all of you all and was there to help you needed it.''  , the rest of the pack left guilty and ashamed while Erica shouted '' YOU ALL TREATED BATMAN LIKE THAT !!! THE ONE PERSON WHO HAD MORE BALLS THAN ALL OF US COMBINED , TO PUT HIS LIFE ON THE LINE FOR US MORE THAN ONCE . IF IT WASN'T FOR HIM THIS PACK WOULD HAVE BEEN LONE DEAD. I AM DISGUSTED TO KNOW THIS IS THE PACK I JOINED .'' Boyd and Peter grabbed her before she could sink her claws into them ,then they left along with Cora who before closing the door said '' Mom would be dissapointed in you Derek for treating someone like that .''

That hurt Derek a lot hearing his sister say that to him.

The next day the pack all met in front all the Stilinski home  along along with peter and Deaton , they were about to walk to the door when the pack  along with deaton were  pushed backed back by some unknown source except for Peter, Cora ,Boyd and Erica  who were confused along with the rest of the pack, then the sheriff stepped out and had a n angry look on his face and said ''What the fuck are you doing on my property ?'' Scott says '' Sheriff we want to see Stiles and talk to him and apologize.'' , with that statement Noah was fuming '' Apologize for what , calling him a liar huh , don't you have anything to say Hale , I knew you were with my son I could smell your scent on him and in  his room you think I did not know about it ,I knew about you sneaking in and out of Stiles' bedroom window almost every night . Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot every bullet I have  in your  body for hurting my mischief , my pride and joy ?''

''Wait ,you said you could smell Derek on Stiles , how because you are not a  werewolf ?'' , the sheriff then showed his Alpha eyes and fangs  while growling. Everyone was shocked except for Peter '' Finally you showed them the true Noah .'' Noah explained '' Claudia and I were friends  with Talia . We decided to move here when we found out that she was pregnant with Stiles and we made a deal to help protect the territory with the pack and that Stiles would be the next Hale emissary when he was old enough to take the role, you see  Claudia was a Spark and during the pregnancy we found out from a friend that Stiles was a hybrid of an Alpha Spark and Born Alpha Wolf and will be powerful so he will need  the right training to help him , so Talia and her aunt who was a witch agreed to help him but also kept it a secret , The only ones who knew were Talia , her aunt Maria , David ,Derek's father and Peter as he was Talia's left -hand .''

The pack looked at Peter Scott asked '' You knew about Stiles and you did not tell any of us about it?'' Peter answered '' It was not my secret to tell and why should I , you all made it clear that I was not pack , I am in the Stilinski pack and one more thing ,Stiles never considered any of you as friends except for Erica , Boyd, Cora and I  because if he did he would of already told you but he has massive trust issues and those he fully trusts will be told everything like for the fact the Stilinski family is the most famous Family in the human and supernatural world being apart of the supernatural council and his mother being the Head of the Blackwood coven and being apart of those families they are highly respected.''  

The pack were even more shocked ''Oh and by the way if  Stiles trusts you he will tell you his full name and allow you to call him by first name, tell me what is his name ?'' Noah looked expectantly at the pack , everyone was silent , even Scott while Peter , Cora , Boyd and Erica all said '' Genim Charleston Blackwood- Stilinski '' ,everyone else in the pack along with Deaton were shocked as even Scott did not know Stiles name .

Noah smiled at the worthy ones and said '' Get inside  the house guys I'll tell you where Stiles is so you can join him as he is your true Alpha and leader.'' ''Wait Stiles left ,where did he go ?'' Scott asked and the Sheriiff   replied '' Stiles wants nothing to do with any of you anymore so, why would I tell you anything.'' Noah then stepped inside , then the pack had no choice but to leave put promised to each other that they would find Stiles and bring him back.   

* So how do you feel about this chapter guys plz comment and give me good feedback.* 

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