If you lose someone...-Felix

Start from the beginning

"Hello?", i asked in English. To my surprise, The person on the other end was sobbing.

"Hello. I am Felix's Dad", the shaky voice of a man was heard. Now i was confused. Not only had i expected, that Felix's father can speak Korean, no, i was also confused, why he was calling here at this hour.

"Hi, this is Minho. Felix is asleep. Can i ask what's the matter of your call?", i asked, still confused.

"I'm relieved that you picked up and not Felix. You have to say Felix something for us please. He shouldn't get to know it on the phone. He should get comforted when he'll get to know the news."

"Okay. Did something happen?", i asked concerned.

"A few hours ago, Felix's granny passed away", i was shocked. I saw Felix video calling really often with her. When we were in Australia, we visited her once, and Felix always talks about her. He really loved her.

"W-what?", i asked, hoping that it was just kind of a bad joke.

"His granny... Died", the man sobbed. A tear slipped out of my eye corner. She seemed to be a nice person.

"I-i will tell him...", i stuttered in disbelieve.

"You are one of the older members or are my memories wrong?", Mr Lee asked unsure.

"Yes i am the second oldest."

"I'm relieved. Thank you for telling him... I have to hang up now... Olivia and her mom are really distressed."

"N-no problem, i'll take care of Felix. Bye", i said still in shock.

"Bye, and call me if there are problems!", with that he hung up. I laid the phone at the kitchen table. Then my legs gave out, and i curled up into a ball. A tear escaped my eyes. I was crying. Not only because of the death of a nice Australian woman. I also cried at the thoughts of having to wake the poor boy, and telling him about the sad news.

After about half an hour i stood up, and washed my face. I had to stay strong for Felix. When i finished washing my face, i slipped into Felix's room. He laid peacefully with a light smile onto his face under a pile of blankets. It broke my heart. I headed over to him and shook him lightly. He turned around with a groan. I continued shaking him.

"Hyung, it's ou day off, why are you waking me so early?", he whined. Then he blinked and froze.

"Did something happen Hyung? Is something with the others?", he asked concerned. I had to destroy the poor boy now, with these terrible news. When i told him, he first didn't catch on.

"Lixie she is...is... dead", i told him. The suddenly he jumped out of his bed and ran to the toilet. I was completely caught off guard and followed him. I could hear gagging noises and eushed into the bathroom. There the poor boy was. Gagging over the toilet bowl. I sat down beside him and rubbed circles into his back. When he was done, he fell sideway. Wait what? Before his head hit the floor i caught him and laid him down. He just passed out. That made me slightly panick. I carryied him to the couch, and called Chan. He picked up at the fourth try.

"Hello?", his raspy morning voice asked. I felt bad for waking him, when he finally could catch some sleep.

"Chan, please stay calm", i said with a shaky voice while a tear escaped my eye.

"Minho, why can't i stay calm when you say that?", he asked now worried.


"Minho, what happened?", he asked fear in his voice. I sobbed. Silence.

"Lino, tell me, what had happened!?", now he sounded really afraid.

"Chan, Hyung, Felixthrewupandpassedoutandigotthiscallandtoldhimandnowhewouldn'twakeup", i said crying and making no sense.

"God, Minho, i'll be there with Binnie and Jinnie, just hang in there!", he shouted into my ear. I was now a sobbing mess. Not only because of the events, also because of the stress and emotions that had built up into my chest. I was crying. Crying for Felix. Crying for his family.  Crying for his granny. Crying all the tears out, that had built up inside me. And mostly: Crying because i was so fucking shocked.

One minute after Chan hung up, there was aknock at the front door. I somehow stumbled in the direction of it and opened. I was embraced, by a way bigger person than me.

"Where is Felix?", Chan asked.

"C-couch", i just sobbed.

We got back into the living room and Chan and Changbin kneeled next to Felix, while Hyunjin sat with me on the other couch.

"Okay, Min, now what happened. I have to know if Felix has to go to hospital", Chan asked in a calm voice. I took a deep breath.

"Felix dad called at 4:17 am. I picked up. H-he told me that his grandma went to heaven. I was in shock and after half an hour, i woke Felix and told him. Then he threw up and collabsed", i stuttered in full distress. I could see the tears in the others eyes. At this point i only experienced everything in a blur. At one point, Hyunjin brought me into my room and cuddled me until i fell asleep...

Felix POV

When i came to, i first didn't know where i was. Then everything came crashing down at me like a rockslide. Now the full realization hit me. My granny is dead. I won't see her again. Never. Because she is dead. The dam broke, and i started to cry as if my life depended on it. Someone wrapped his arms around me. It was Channie Hyung. I cried for 5 hours straight, then i slept a bit and woke again to crying. It was Minho Hyung. His face was red and puffy. A state i've never seen him before. When he saw that i was awake, he embraced me.

"I'm so sorry Lix. I never had to tell someone about the death of a family member", he cried.

"It's okay. It's not your fault", i started sobbing again. And so it came, that Minho and me sat both in my bed and cried the rest of the day.

JYP made an announcement, that i won't participate at the fanmeeting, because of the loss of my granny. I was able to fly to Australia, for my grandmas funeral. The members told me, that Minho cried the most he ever did, and that all of them were really sad. When i came back, i was welcomed warmly, and at our next concert i was able to smile again.

My granny will be in my heart. And her soul will never leave me. I'm sure about it. One day i will see her again.


I cried myself while writing this story. I am a bit like Minho. I never really cry. I built up my emotions. But it remembered me of my best friend who passed away at spring this year.

For me, dearh is an important theme, you should talk about, because death can come in every moment of your life. Everyone will be confronted by death, so it is really important, what will face you once.

This story is inspired by my life, how i found out about my besties death in a similar way.

I hope you liked this story <3

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