Trophies, Click and Bang! - Stray Kids

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Yeah i know i know, i should make more story updates, but school started again, and as you know i am going to a new school now. Anyway, i hope you'll like this story!😘


Hyunjin POV

Today is a really hectic one. It's not that, that we have a normal concert, no. We are nominated of one of the most famous award shows of Korea. Of course everyone is extremely excited to meet other idols and idol groups. Except of us, there are also other 4th generation groups, like Tomorrow x Together, Itzy, Ateez, The Boyz, Enhypen, Nmixx and more. I heard that also BTS will be there. Out of our company, there are we, Itzy, Twice, Nmixx and Got7. I am really looking forward to watch the performances of the other groups, because also if i love performing on award shows, i think the best part is seeing other groups talents on stage. Also i really hope, that i can meet Jimin, Jhope and Taemin there. Also it may seem weird to some people, also famous people can be fans of other famous people.

We had to leave at 7:00 am, because the award show starts at 12:00 pm and we still have a 2 hour drive, we need to get our make up done, get dressed, and go through the performance plan. Not only this, the staff also needs to show us, where we can go and where not. I woke up at 5:30, and took a shower. Then i made me some cereals, and sat dow at the kitchen table, where Chan, Changbin, Jeongin and Han already sat. Minho was already brushing his teeth, Seungmin chose which clothes he'd wear for the drive, and Felix went to shower right after me. Tired, and of course excited and nervous, i chewed on my cereals, to the point, it had the consistence of mush.

"Hyunjin, do you wanna chew your breakfast to the point where it is like water?", Minho asked. I didn't even notice, that he entered the kitchen, which made me jump slightly.

"I'd like to bite on your lip this long", Changbin joked.

"Ew!" I gave him the sassiest side eye i've ever given to a person, and threw my hair back, as if i was some kind of a sassy bitch. The maknae and the oldest giggled at my action. "The only part you would maybe bite once is my toe, now shut up, i have to get ready!", i answered.

"He said i could bite his toe", Bin giggled with a devilish smile. I just rolled my eyes, and ate up my cereals. When i headed to the bathroom, Felix passed by with a cup on his head. A cup? What the actual fuck is wrong with this guys...

I got completely ready, and after 30 minutes we stepped into the Van and started our 2 hour drive to the award show. When we arrived, we were welcomed with the hectic athmosphere of an award show. Yeah, probably one of the best and most stressful things beside the tours. We got led to a pretty big room with eight tables, with lots of make up products, two big black couches, and an extra changing room with cabines next to it. A bunch of make up artists welcomed us and bowed infront of us, of course we did the same. Then our managers and some staff members showed us the most importent rooms and places, and showed us where we can go and where not. We also got our seat plans, and when we'll perform. Then the makeup artist started with their work. After one hour and a half hour everyone was ready and in suits. Mine was white with a black tie, and my hair was in a ponytail. The manager went through our performance plan once and then we already had to take our seats. The group who opened the award show was BTS. They all wore really beautiful stageoutfits in black and dark red, and they performed "Fake Love".

After BTS, Twice performed, and of course we cheered really much for the, since we are from the same company. After Twice, TXT were on turn. They made a perfect "Sugar Rush Ride" performance. Then there was a break, but when we just wanted to head back to our room, there was a loud Bang! The a lot of screams, which came from Itzy and fans. Yeji sat on the floor, and held her leg, which was bleeding pretty strong. I looked in the direction of the loud noise. There was a guy. A guy with a black mask. This guy had a gun. A fucking gun. The next bullet hit a bodyguard into the chest. Then the gun pointed in the direction of Jimins head.

"JIMIN! DOWN! NOW!", i shouted in panic, but he was frozen. The guys finger rested on the trigger, and before i could really think about it, i sprinted over to him and jumped infront of him. Bang. A sharp pain a bit under my left shoulder. Gasps and screams. I felt my suit getting wet with blood. I felt it running down my arm. Then out of nowhere, my legs gave out, and my head met the hard floor. Many voices of people calling my name. Shots. Gasps. Click, Bang. More screams. Click, Bang. More Shots. It went on. Black dots entered my vision, and it became darker and darker. This is the end, i thought. At least i'll die, because i saved a life. With this thought i let darkness welcome me...


Guys, i know, this chapter was kinda short, but i wanted a dramatic end...

Don't worry, I won't let an idol die, because we just know them too well, and it would be sooo sad🙃

Wanna part 2?


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Stray Kids sick/hurt/injuredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora