The girls were guided from the building, which was ever so slightly on higher ground.

Morten could see the girl with the dagger,
she was looking very concerned until she spotted Agnus,
who the others pointed out giggling.

She had wrapped the dagger into the waist of her dress, visible but hidden.

Morten touched his own waist gear at that, and looked around at Agnus's.
Who actually had weapons in there.
Holy shit, he should be arming himself if that was apparently allowed!
At least he could help Agnus if the other plains went crazy.

The girl, number five, actually took off from the hill.
With her slightly worried face and a hand on the dagger it looked as if she too was concerned about all these men with possibly questionable motivations.
She stopped, a few steps from Agnus.

She was holding... a pot.
Morten had a good view but he could feel the others leaning over and straining their necks in curiosity.

The other girls came walking after her.
"Calm down five, he's not going to run away."
Said the girl, numbered two, who seemed very serious.

Morten couldn't help but contradict her,
"Well, with Agnus you never know." He grinned.

Five looked terrifyingly fragile compared to Agnus.
Like a tropical bird next to a rhino.

She gestured to the pot,
"I brought you something to try, if I may touch your hair?" She said in a tiny voice.

Agnus did an unusual smile that really bulged his cheeks and took a knee.
"Watch the flowers!" He said.

She nodded and actually pulled a flower out.
"They make you look like a pony."

This made four snort, but she didn't cover it like next time.
It seemed she had tried to pinpoint what he had reminded her off and that was it.

Agnus himself laughed in a very tame and un-Agnus way,
as if he was scared he might frighten a doe, and spoke quietly.
"I'd say a pony is an improvement over a cow. So I will accept that."

Five had opened the pot and had Agnus hold it as she combed through his hair with her fingers and using whatever was in the pot.
Picking out flowers that got in the way and sticking them in her dresses waist with the dagger.

Morten started feeling like he was interrupting a very private moment.
It was mostly Agnus's face that did it.
As she stepped around him, doing her haircare routine, Agnus's face...
Morten wondered if he should tell him, but Agnus had looked intensely caring.
Agnus said he had made a deal but it didn't look like his heart was fully onboard with the notion.

"There," she said, stepping back.

Agnus tried to look at his own hair, which was on his shoulders.
It was less rough fluffy rope-like and more... soft hair.
He blinked at that result.

"It makes your hair... better," she said.
Seemingly concerned with insulting his hair.

Agnus nodded and looked back at her.

She held the pot to him.
"it's not the magical thing you asked for but, you accept this?" Her voice had turned small again.

The remark made Morten look back around.
He asked for something? When?
They hadn't really spoken last time? Had they?
No, Agnus had been watching the man while she sat silently looking at Morten's interaction with four.
Morten realized Agnus had also know about the early awakening... HOW?

Agnus let out a slightly gruff laugh, "are you asking if I'd accept the gift?"
She nodded, looking confused and unsure.

Agnus put his hands around the pot,
"I don't think we are allowed to refuse. But I will accept your offer of hair magic, if you tell me how it works?"

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