The security man opened the door for us and we walked in.
My mother-in-law smiled at me.
Come and hug me. She muttered.
I glance at my husband still holding him tightly.
He gave me an assuring smile.
Go, I'm here she won't harm you. My husband muttered.

I exempt my hand from his and walk to her.
Every step I take feels like I'm being forced to move.
She opens her arm for me and I hug her.
I briskly exempt myself from the hug.

My husband walks to us to ease the tension between us.
I heave a sigh. I have the back to hide in case my mother-in-law strangles me.
Mama started crying.
I and my husband give her a quizzical look.

Mama, why are you crying? We asked simultaneously.
Aisha, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
I know I don't deserve your forgiveness.
I killed my grandchild. I'm a monster.
Mama muttered hitting her head.

No, Mama. You are not a monster. I have forgiven you. I muttered.
I flick back my tears. She reminds me of the pain.
It's been three months since I Lost my baby.
Thank you, Aisha. Mama muttered.

It's okay, I wipe off her tears.
Mama, we brought you lunch.
I take her to the plastic chair beside her bed and sit her down.
I squat Infront of her and take out the food flask from the basket.

I take the plate and put one wrap of semolina on the plate.
I sprinkle the okra soup on the side of the swallow.

I cut a little size and stretch my hands towards her mouth.
She opened her mouth and take the swallow.
I keep doing that until she finishes eating.
I took the bottle of water and gave her.

Aisha, you haven't fed my friend. She is hungry too. Mama muttered.
Okay, I will feed her too. I muttered.
I stand up and stride out to wash my hands.
I turn to leave when I bump into someone.
My heart skipped. I almost screamed Immediately I set my eyes on a woman from the psychiatric ward.

I'm sorry, I muttered and quickly stride out of there.
She holds me back.
Please let go of me. I muttered worriedly.
I almost pee on my pant with fear.
Her grip on me becomes tight.
Qalb! I screamed.
I closed my eyes expecting the worst to happen to me.

I felt a hand jerk me.
Please let me go. I muttered shakingly.
Noor, it's me. My husband whispered in my ear.
I opened my eyes and buried my face in his shirt.
My heart keeps beating rapidly.

Please, help me with food. I'm hungry. The woman muttered.
I raised my head and glanced at the woman.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I mean no harm. I just want food.
I saw her feeding that woman and I followed her here. The woman muttered.

Noor, let's give her food. My husband muttered and I shook my head.
We walk inside and I take one wrap of semolina and put the soup on the plate.
Qalb, I don't want to give her our plate.
I won't take this plate home. I muttered.

My husband Humm and I feel remorseful for saying that.
His mom is also in this condition.
We walk to the woman and give her the food and a bottle of water.
She was so happy and she hungrily munched on the food.

Qalb, I'm sorry for what I said earlier. I muttered.
It's okay. My husband muttered curtly.
We walked inside and met Mama sleeping.
Should we go home? My husband asks me.
Yes. I muttered.

My husband walked to his mom and adjusted her head on the pillow.
He pecks her on her forehead and wipes off his tears.
Let's go. My husband muttered with a sniff.
I hold him back.
Qalb, please be strong for her. You always cry anytime you visit Mama. I muttered.

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