😁Sookai- Testing Loyalties

Start from the beginning

Brian reminded him of Soobin. All the book smarts, none of the street smarts.

Soobin's parents pushed him beyond his limits. He found refuge in Kai and Beomgyu. Two people who embraced who he was while respecting his boundaries. Maybe he should've learned how to fight along the way. Then he wouldn't feel so helpless in dangerous situations.

Beomgyu was a perfect mix of Andrew and Claire. Loved by all. Easily swayed by people with stronger opinions. Thrived by being the center of attention. Both fell for people no one could see them with. He fell for Soobin and by some miracle, Soobin fell for him back. They weren't official but they didn't need to be. No one else was coming between them.

Kai watched them dance in the library. He heard the theater door open but kept his head on the screen and a grip on his gun. Someone sat next to him. It wasn't who he thought it would be. "What are you doing here?"

"You weren't responding to my texts."

"Soobin. Leave."

"Teach me to shoot."

"In the next city. Leave."

"I tracked Yeonjun's phone. He's with Taehyun. I'm not letting you face them alone."

"And I'm not letting you die."



Soobin stood up. "NO! WE'RE A TEAM!"

"You're acting like I've never been in danger before."

"Not like this! Yeonjun is the head of the mafia now! He's acting worse than the last leader!"

"And I shot the last one like I'll shoot him."

Soobin was upset at how calm Kai was acting. "Do you have a death wish?!"

"Is it bad to be confident in my abilities?"

"No but-"

"Leave. Beomgyu drove you here didn't he? I'll be fine."

Soobin stomped out of the theater. He wasn't leaving. He was tired of Kai saving his life. Beomgyu didn't drive him. He drove himself. Soobin went to his car, for privacy, to hack into the security cameras. If he could help from a distance, he was going to.

Kai waited in his seat. He began to wonder if Taehyun was coming at all. This could've been a trap. There could be a bomb under his seat that was waiting to go off the second he stood up.

That's when he realized he didn't care at all if he died. He didn't have anything to live for. He got his revenge on the mafia a million times over. The other members of his group had each other. He had no one. His future was an endless cycle of violence in the name of justice. The money didn't satisfy him. Shiny objects were just objects. They had no meaning. Nothing about his existence satisfied him.

The door opened. Taehyun sat down next to him. Yeonjun sat down behind with a gun against the back of his head.

Kai didn't react. He just kept watching the movie. Molly Ringwald's face wasn't the worst thing to see before he died.

Taehyun commented "I had a crush on her when I first saw this movie. I also had a crush on John too."

Yeonjun pressed the gun harder against Kai's head. "What? No last words? Nothing for all of your failures to ruin my empire?"

Kai didn't move. He just watched the makeover happen.

Taehyun grinned. "It's funny how he only goes after her after she changes the way she looks."

"Or it's because she's finally confident enough to not mask who she is."

"And what are you Kai?"

"The best god damn assassin the world has ever seen."

Yeonjun's ego was bruised. "Then why do I have a gun to the back of your head?"

"Because the game got boring. I've mastered it for so long. Nothing has changed. You're just the new king in an endless game of chess. See? You're a piece when I'm the grandmaster."

Soobin watched nervously from the inside of his car. He was close to activating the sprinklers and the fire alarms. Kai didn't look desperate yet.

Taehyun slightly tilted his head so he could look into a camera. He had a feeling they were being watched.

Soobin dropped his phone on the seat. Taehyun was looking directly at him. He picked the phone up again to see those large, unblinking, eyes peering into his skull. "How?"

Yeonjun swung his arm back to hit him but Kai moved out of the way in time. His arm collided with the top of the chair instead.

Kai shot his hand. He watched the gun fall from Yeonjun's grip as his hand was bleeding out. His attention turned towards his rival.

Soobin watched Taehyun put his hands up. That all happened so quickly. Watching Kai in action was equal parts horrifying and thrilling.

Kai shot Yeonjun's leg before he could reach out at him. He warned "try again and you're dead." His head whipped back towards Taehyun. "You had your chance. You could've shot me through the door. Why didn't you?"

"Your drive is money. So is mine." Taehyun looked back at the camera. "Soobin? Do it now."

Soobin panicked as Taehyun kept yelling at him to "do it".

Kai was lost. Soobin certainly didn't work for Taehyun. They've never even talked before. He watched his rival keep yelling at the security camera. His gun aimed for his shoulder to shut him up. Before he pulled the trigger, the sprinklers and the fire alarms turned on.

Taehyun grabbed his gun then shot Yeonjun point blank. He looked at Kai then dropped his gun. "Working with you will give me more money than I could ever dream of."

Kai kept the gun locked onto him. "Yeah, that's what I want. Someone with a history of betrayal."

"They're dating aren't they? They'll leave you eventually to start their own life."

Soobin yelled "NO?! THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND!" Sirens were heard in the distance. He couldn't stay without the risk of being caught. He quickly texted Kai the next city then sped off.

Kai couldn't hear the sirens but he figured the fire department and the police were on their way. He brushed his soaked bangs out of his face then backed up towards the emergency exit.

Taehyun walked towards him. "Either shoot me or let me go with. I'm not going to jail." He took his bracelet off then tossed it towards his rival's face. "That's made of 24 black pearls. The thread is white gold. It was my mother's bracelet; my most prized possession. I'm serious."

Kai looked at it then placed it in his pocket. "I'll fucking kill you if you slip up. We'll be watching."

"I'll look forward to it."

The two ran out towards the car. Kai never took the gun off of Taehyun. He ordered him to drive while giving a false destination. There was no way he was risking Beomgyu and Soobin's safety. Taehyun was his project until he could be trusted.

Taehyun drove while his mind raced. Now that Yeonjun was dead, there was a spot open to rule an empire. And with him and Kai at the top? They'd be unstoppable. He just had to get rid of the couple first.

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