Chapter 2

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Jacks POV:
I walked below deck and tried to quietly wake Jackie up but she was obviously a heavy sleeper. I grabbed some water,splashed it on her face and she shot straight up. She looked at me and yelled
"What the hell was that for?!"

"Well, love, you see I just saw the Black Pearl docked at an island and me crew and I are going to take it. Stay here and I'll come back to get you" I told her
"What? Jack? No, I'm coming with you" she told me starting to get up.
"No your not" I told her. She tried to get around me so I grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head against a wall. She was still struggling so I tied her hands together in front of her.
"Why do you care if I come or not?" She asked me
"I...." I trailed off "I just do!" I told her. She raised an eyebrow at me. Damn it! Why is she so stubborn?
"What if I escape?" She questioned me.
"I don't think you will" I told her
"And if I do?" She asked. I decided this was taking too long so I summed it up by saying
"I'll have Elizabeth come and keep you company" I told her while walking out of the captains quarters and locking the door.
"Jack!" I heard her yell
"It's time to go" I told myself and with that I walked above deck and yelled
"Elizabeth go keep Jackie company"
"Ok" she replied.
"And pack her stuff" I called after her. I sighed then walked onto the island. I walked around the Pearl and ordered the crew to get it ready to sail.
Jackie's POV:
"Why?" I asked myself. I sighed just as Elizabeth entered.
"How did you get here?!" I asked her
"I begged Will to let me come and why are your hands tied?" She asked me
"Cause Jack thought I'd escape" I answered.
"Oh" was her reply.
"So why are you here?" I asked her
"To pack your stuff" she answered.
"Well, have at it" I told her. As she was going around my cabin packing my stuff, I was working on my bonds. I finally got them off, when I heard cannon fire. I jumped up taking Elizabeth by surprise and spirited towards the door. I ran up on deck and saw it was Blackbeard's ship.
I ran in between the two ships and yelled
"Oi!" And everyone stopped.
"Jackie?" Blackbeard asked me
"Aye" I said and smiled. I walked across the gang plank and hugged my father. After I finished embracing him, I found Angelica who was looking at me with a very confused expression. She must not recognize me I thought.
"Good to see you too sister" I said, smirking at her. Her eyes went wide and she ran to me and hugged me very tightly. I laughed just as the Interceptor pulled up next to us. I looked and saw the Pearl docked in Tortuga. Blackbeard's cannons went off before I could warn him and Jacks alternative ship was destroyed in the blink of an eye. Him and his crew were on the deck of Blackbeard's ship. Blackbeard asked Jack for a word in his cabin while I headed to my cabin. I was so tired, I collapsed down on my bed and was asleep in less than ten minutes. When I woke up my hands were tied as well as my knees and feet.
"What the hell?" I wondered aloud.
"It's just precautionary" Elizabeth said as she was packing my stuff once again.
I raised an eyebrow at her and tried to get up but fell and landed on my butt.
"What's going on?" I asked her
"You'll see" she said,smirking at me. Seeing that I'm not getting any information any time soon I stayed silent. As Elizabeth finished packing my stuff I heard a gruff voice ask
"Is she ready?" from outside the door.
Please no. please. No! I muttered as the door swung open revealing the one and only Jack Sparrow.
Elizabeth chuckled and answered
"She's all yours" I scooted to the edge of the room on my butt until I hit a wall. Jack walked over to me and picked me up,carrying me somewhere. As we turned the corner onto the deck I saw Blackbeard. Father! I sighed in relief. He would tell them to put me down,right?
"Father!" I called. He glanced in my direction and waved. Wait,was he waving goodbye? I groaned in frustration as I had to breathe and smelt Jacks breath which was a mix of sea salt and rum. It must have been something Jack said to him. What did Jack say to him? I'm going to find out! I thought. I squirmed in his grasp and we had finally reached where we were going. He put me down and said
"There,now was that so bad?" He asked
"Extremely" I answered while trying to walk to the captains cabin but I was still tied up and fell. Before I could hit the ground someone caught me,I didn't have to turn around to see who it was. It was Jack. He untied me and I headed down to the captains cabin. Only to be followed by Jack. I wandered around the cabin,stopping to look at maps and trinkets. Jack came up behind me and slipped his hands around my waist. I tried to walk away but he thought otherwise,he spun me around to face him.
"You in a hurry love?" He asked me
"Ummm" I stuttered as he smirked at me for my loss of words. I tried to move again but his grip around my waist tightened. I sighed in defeat and asked
"Where's the rum?"
"Right here" he said and started to give me the rum when a mischievous smile spread across his face. I groaned this wasn't good. I went to grab the rum and he held in a little beyond my reach, being me I reached for it anyway and almost got it when he held it above my head. He was a good foot taller than me so I knew I didn't have a chance. I sighed in defeat and sat down on the edge of the bed. Jack joined me and started drinking the rum. I acted fast and snatched the rum and started gulping it down. How good it tasted! That didn't last long though because Jack tried to get it again. He pinned me down on the bed, so he was on top. Then he grabbed the rum and continued drinking. While he was drinking I quickly flipped us over,making me on top. I grabbed the rum and downed the rest of it. That didn't stop Jack from flipping us over again though. Now I was pinned down to the bed. I knew I shouldn't do what I was about to do but I couldn't help it. I leaned forward and kissed him. He hands made their way to my waist as mine made their way to his neck. He kissed me back passionately. His lips were warm and tasted like a mix of sea salt and rum. I loved every minute of it. He left for a moment and returned with two bottles of rum. He tossed one to me and we both downed the rum,causing us to become drunk. This wasn't my first time getting drunk. And as I started kissing Jack again I knew I'd have a hangover tomorrow.
Heyyyyyy I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time. But I have got lots of comments saying good chapter,continue,love it....and they mean the world to me!! XD I love hearing comments like that so I thank everyone that has commented and voted on this book so far...Comment?....Vote?...the usual's XD...I hope you guys like this chapter and I will update soon!! Byeeeeee

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