😡Yeonkai- Something to Lose

Start from the beginning

Hyuka's fist connected with Yeonjun's chest when he started walking towards Soobin. He shot him backwards a few feet. "Don't fucking touch him!"

Yeonjun looked at his shirt. There was a black circle in the middle of it. "Hyuka, that wasn't very nice. You burnt the only shirt I had!"

"Leave us alone!"

Yeonjun ignored him so he could keep taunting Soobin. "How sick are you to have me destroy his planet just so you wouldn't be alone? The poor guy doesn't even know you're worse than I am. Silly Hyuka. I don't blame him though. He's only what you wrote. Just like you can't really blame me. Isn't that right? You wrote me like this. So you won't mind if I steal him will ya?"

Soobin screamed when Hyuka dropped from the sidewalk.

The blonde was falling as Yeonjun kept opening the earth to make the crack deeper. Hyuka closed his eyes. He just had to wait until he hit magma. His eyes burned red once he felt warmth on his feet. His hands shot up into the air. A wave of magma started shooting him back towards the surface. He carried the wave above the land and shot it towards Yeonjun.

Soobin started screaming louder when the lava was edging towards his feet.

Hyuka ran through the lava to grab Soobin's hands. They ran through the house. The blonde grabbed the keys to Soobin's Ferrari then placed it into his palm. "You need to leave. He doesn't care about you. He wants me. I need you safe baby."

"I'm not leaving you! He's dangerous!"

"Hey. Hey sweetheart look at me!" Hyuka stroked his hair. "I defeated him once remember? I can do it again. Please drive. I'm not risking your life."

Soobin reluctantly drove. He headed straight towards the nearest FBI field office.

Yeonjun tossed the boulder, that he used to protect himself, to the right. He elevated the dirt beneath him before the lava could reach his feet. The roar of the Ferrari caught his attention. Yeonjun ran into the crowd of people.

Hyuka cooled the lava then ran after him. He couldn't get a direct hit without the risk of hurting a bystander. "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" The blonde chased him towards a skyscraper.

Yeonjun used his powers to lift him towards the top. He waved down at the blonde as he was being lifted.

Hyuka jumped. His hand grasped an edge of rising rock. He started to climb up as they rose higher into the sky. He found Yeonjun waiting for him at the top. Overhead was several news helicopters. Military planes were coming in to disperse them. Hyuka yelled "WHAT DO YOU WANT YEONJUN?!"

The wind from the competing motors brushed his wavy black bangs away from his face. "WE USED TO BE BEST FRIENDS REMEMBER? SOOBIN RIPPED US APART. WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN DESTINIES NOW!"

"YOU'RE INSANE!" Flames encased Hyuka's fists again.


Hyuka peered behind Yeonjun to see Soobin's Ferrari become encased by earth. He ran to leap off of the edge but a vine caught his foot. He fell back down as Yeonjun threw his arm around his shoulder. "LET HIM GO!"


The blonde watched the metal of the car crack under pressure. He looked at Yeonjun's firey green eyes and matched him with his own scarlet red. They were best friends. It may have been Soobin's fault they were apart but Soobin wasn't forcing Yeonjun to do this now. Hyuka's hair lit aflame to match his fists. He set Yeonjun on fire. The fire burned brighter with his anger.

Yeonjun shouted "STOP! IF I DIE SO DOES HE!"

Hyuka made the mistake of turning his head to see the car crumple into a ball. "NO! SOOBIN!"

"COME FIND ME ONCE YOU'RE READY TO WRITE YOUR OWN DESTINY!" Yeonjun escaped down a slide made of vines.

Hyuka lit it on fire. He peered over the edge to watch the race between the flames and his enemy.

Yeonjun jumped off of the edge and landed in a thick pile of leaves. He disappeared into a tunnel system he created then sealed the top.

Hyuka turned the rock pillar he rode up, into a melting pool of lava. He rode the wave down then put it out once his feet touched the ground. He knew Yeonjun was gone. He ran towards the direction of the Ferarri with fire still in his eyes. His anger fueled his strength as he ripped the boulders off one by one. The car was just a metal ball by the time he got to the center. Hyuka fell to his knees. He started to melt it to try to find a body. The metal was becoming a molten puddle as it kept dripping into the dirt. There wasn't a body. Soobin wasn't in the car.

Exasperation hung over the blonde's head as the police ran up to the scene. They tried to ask him questions but Hyuka didn't hear any of them. He kept looking around, trying to predict where Yeonjun was. He could attack anywhere at any time and no one could stop him but himself. That lead to his next mystery. Where the hell was Soobin Choi?

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