chaper 5

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3 days later .

I'd met two cousins on my moms side after the AA meeting. Kyla Nori and Kayla. Surprisingly, we clicked almost instantly. Well me and Kyla Nori did. Kayla told Kyla Nori that id have to "grow on her". I hope she knows I do and will not kiss ass.

"Kayla could you hurry? You been in here for 20 minutes" I yelled through the door.

I rested against the door frame until she opened the door stomping out and I stomped in.

Seeing that my edge control was open on my counter made me step back. She just use my shit without asking me? Ima lock my shit up. I don't even know you like that.

Pushing the thought aside, i did my edges, stopped my hair and put on mascara and aquaphor before leaking out and going downstairs.

"Finally" Kyla Nori exclaimed.

"That's Kayla fault. She was in the bathroom for 20 minutes" i explained back.

Kyla Nori shrugged her shoulders and turned going out the door and I followed.

"Have fun girls" ma yelled after us.

"Love you" I yelled back and waiting to hear her back before shutting the door.

She yelled 'I love you too' back and I headed to the car.

Kayla started backing the car out of the driveway and I began to pray that we got to the  bowling alley safely and in one piece.

"Ouuuu why that's Tyyyy???" Kayla started shrieking and shaking Kyla Nori.

I stood confused as the two girls shrieked and jumped. I followed their glance seeing five people standing at a lane. Two were in regular clothes, and man and woman and the other three were in all black. I'm guessing they're bodyguards.

I turned away unimpressed and walked to the counter to get my bowling shoes and walked to our lane across the building.

Bowling was fun as long as Ty and whoever was out of our sight. As soon as they came over in our area, everyone rushed near the group of famous people.

They must be a North Carolina type of famous cause I've never heard of him until i moved here.

I turned my attention back to the bowling lane and rolled my down twice before sitting down and waiting on the K's to come back.

They never came back. They sat in "Ty's" face until the time was up for our lane.

Seeing that they wasn't leaving i time soon, i ordered me a Uber home.

I let them know that i was leaving and headed out the building. 

My phone chimed seeing that my Uber was here and I started walking to the blue Nissan.

Before I could get into the street a voice called out "aye". I ignored it.

They called out "blue shirt with the slick back".

I ignored the voice again but looking down at my shirt I realized it was me they was talking to. I looked back but saw no one. Plus one for me because I was too irritated and didn't care what they had to say anyways.

As I reached for the Ubers door handle, I was stopped by a hand beating me to it. I studied the well manicured hand with black and white checker board painted fingers before I looked up irritated more with whose hand it was.

"You didn't hear me calling you?"

"Did you call me?" I replied aggravatedly

"I said aye about three times"

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