Enter. Kumo.

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"Kotetsu. You see it too right?" A deep voice disturbed the air. His spiky haired friend slowly nodded as they stared at the small wriggling bundle, laying dead centre in the middle of the main gates of Konohagakure.
"I think...it's a baby-" He was cut off by a shrill and desprate wailing from the bundle. Both of the men jumped and slowly approached the wriggling creature. Once they stood above it they could clearly see the tiny features of this baby. Thick lashes framed her odd silver eyes like they had been specifically made for that purpose, atop her head sat a crown of thin blonde hair, still slightly covered in the mucus that comes with giving birth, rosy pink cheeks from it's prior wailing and trembling dusty pink lips. One of the men slowly crouched by the baby and pulled away the blanket, revealing the fact that this tiny creature was infact female and very....soiled. He vaguely wondered how long she had been there before wrapping her back up and standing. "She's been here a while, im going to see the hokage, you stay and guard the gates" the man said, and with a simple nod to his companion he found himself jumping rooftop to rooftop towards the large red hokage mansion.
A quiet knock on a large mahogony door at 5 in the morning was not a thing eagerly welcomed by the lord third hokage who sat tiredly rubbing his eyes behind an oakwood desk scattered with papers. "Enter" an elderly voice muttered tiredly and the door was quickly pushed open. A man with straight brown hair to his shoulders, hurried to the middle of the room and kneeled on one knee with his head bowed. "Lord Hokage, forgive me for intruding at this early hour but Kotetsu and I found something at the main gates just now" The ninja explained with his head still down, smiling weakly as the baby tried to grab his hair.
This piqued the Hokage's interest as he sat a little straighter. "Oh? And what might that be Izumo?" he asked quietly, pulling out his pipe and lighting it. "A baby lord Hokage. This baby. We found her abandoned at the gates and i immediately came here" The ninja, Izumo, explained as he stood and showed the tiny baby for him to see her. "Abandoned? Oh my. What does the paper say?" the hokage asked motioning to the folded paper that was safety pinned to the blanket that embraced the baby. Izumo blinked once before unpinning the paper, being careful not to harm the child in any way and he opened the piece of paper. "Her name is Kumo. Her mother is dead and I am only too young, im afraid i cant look after my baby...So i beg of you to raise her as a proud ninja, Un. Life is a bang! - D" Izumo read aloud and the room bathed in silence for a few deafening moments.
"Kumo hmm? I wonder....she'll be put in the orphanage then. I know exactly who to put her with" The third hokage stared at the little baby, a small smile playing about his features as he began to think.
'Naruto...This girl will be the light in your coming dark days. Cling to her as you would your life for she will be the one to save you from yourself...'

Dei-Dei's Daughter!!? As If!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora