Champions Restless

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She knelt down, placing her palm on the head of the Divine Beast. "Well, Naboris. It would appear we have a problem."

The spirit of the Gerudo warrior stood and crossed her arms, turning her gaze to the Gerudo Highlands. "Just when I thought our troubles were over. It is so frustrating to not be able to do something. I mean, destroying the Yiga Hideout, but not if Paya is in there."

She turned to the castle in the distance. "I wish I could warn you, Princess, of what is coming..."


Zelda's P.O.V.

Link looks tired when we get up, but he simply grunts when I ask if he slept. He probably didn't and I don't blame him. An ancient monk just predicted his second downfall. Its a wonder that I managed to sleep.

Paya is dressed in traditional Sheikah clothing when we enter the house, giving us a nervous nod of acknowledgement. Link nods back, and turns to Impa. "Good morning."

She nods slowly and studies him for a moment. "The Champions are restless, especially Urbosa's spirit. I can sense her from you. She must be watching the Yiga Clan's actions."

I stare at Link. "What?"

He scratches the back of his head. "You know how I have the Champion's abilities? Apparently Impa can sense their spirits as well."

Impa nodded. "Urbosa's restlessness might be useful. The Yiga Clan is a problem, but if we were to remove them..."

"We could ask her to use Naboris to destroy the hideout?" I ask.

Impa nods and Paya nervously bursts out, "Yes! But-but we can't do anything until we get the letter! If Naboris destroys everything, it will burn!"

I nod. "Good point."

Link thinks a moment. "I could sneak in and fight him for it. Like I did when I got the Thunder Helm back."

"It would be impossible, Master Link," Paya nervously twists her fingers together. "It is so incredibly difficult to get in now. You wouldn't be able to get past the door before they're all on you," she flushes bright red. "Not that I doubt your ability to fight them!"

"What can be done then?" I absently play with Solana's necklace. "Destroying the Yiga seems like the most logical course of action, but we can't afford to lose that letter."

We're all silent and suddenly Paya says, "I will steal the letter."

"Paya, no," I take her hands. "There must be some other solution. If you get caught..."

"I don't think there is any other course of action, Princess Zelda. I'll just have to make sure I'm not caught."

I look at Impa and she just nods. "If that is what you wish to do, Paya, we support you."

The Sheikah girl nods, giving me a shy smile. "I must return to the Yiga Clan. Do not worry, Princess. I'll be alright."

She nods to us and heads up the stairs to her room. 


Link looks at me. "You haven't touched your food."

He's right; I haven't. I've been to busy worrying about Paya. She's such a sweet girl and the things the Yiga would do if they caught her..."I'm just worried about Paya."

Link's face darkens and he sets down his spoon. "I am too. But we need to have faith in her. Goddess willing, she will be okay."

I nod slowly. "Yes."

Solana appears. "Princess. You might want to head up to the ridge."

"By the shrine? Why?"

She doesn't respond and I shoot Link a worried look. He immediately picks up the Master Sword and we dash out of the inn, turning to the path up the hillside. 

My eyes widen. Flying over Hyrule Castle right now is Vah Medoh.


A/N: Shorter chapter, yes, BUT I FINALLY UPDATED :D

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 20 ⏰

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