Emeralds and Envy

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Dinner that night was an odd affair, it was supposed to be a celebration of the union of the two families, something that Richard and Violet had long hoped for but for Sophie...

It felt weird.

Benedict had been off with her again all afternoon after she'd talked with the Earl of Kilmartin, she'd had a brief conversation with Lord Gordon whilst Benedict had been in conversation with Sir Henry Granville and his wife.

Benedict had requested a private audience with her before dinner and Sophie had to wonder if perhaps this was where he was going to call it off.

Part of her was wondering if she should be the one to call it off.

This was a stupid thing to be doing, she didn't want him trapped and she didn't know why he kept going off and being strange with her. One moment he was calling her affectionate things and then he was barely talking to her...

Her head and heart hurt by the time she got home and she knew she was going to have to do it all again this evening over dinner.

And then she learned of his request for a private audience and it had her confused.

She dressed that evening in a deep green gown, it was new one to her collection and part of her wedding collection that Violet had arranged with Madame Delacroix at the beginning of the season and Sophie had seen the deep green colour and instantly fallen in love with it and she wanted to wear it at her earliest opportunity which was tonight.

She felt every bit the Lady she was in the dress, she felt regal and it seemed to help her carry herself a bit as she made her way down to the private drawing room where she was to wait for Benedict to come and talk to her.

It wasn't a long wait so she didn't have too long to contemplate too much why he wanted to talk to her, it never crossed her mind that she was owed a betrothal ring...

The footman knocked on the door, as was custom, "Mr Benedict Bridgerton for you My Lady" came the footman's voice and Sophie nodded and stood up, her heart beating in her chest as she waited for Benedict to walk into the room.

She both loved it and hated it when he wore his evening attire. She felt a small twitch of pleasure that he was wearing a green waistcoat and cravat, matching without meaning to and it made her heart happy as it seemed to just drive home the "soulmates" thought in her heart but she knew it was nothing more than a coincidence.

"Mr Bridgerton" she said politely as the door was not quite closed behind them, they were alone but not too alone, her father had agreed to the private audience on the condition the door was to be left open.

"Lady Gunningworth" Benedict bowed "you look... breathtaking... this colour just... wow" he said in awe, he'd picked the green waistcoat tonight as he knew that it was Sophie's favourite colour, he felt a bit like an arse for being in a mood all afternoon but he knew it was his own doubts that were causing it but he had no idea how to stop it, not without telling her how he felt and how he didn't expect her to feel the same but he didn't want to make things more awkward between them.

"Thank you" she said "do you want to take a seat..." she added before sitting back down

"Erm... no thanks. I actually wanted a private audience because there is something I have failed to give you, something that you're sort of owed I guess, since we are betrothed and to marry on Monday it seemed like I should give you this before we meet at the alter as I will not see you tomorrow" he said

"You won't?" Sophie asked

"No, it's my mother's superstition, it is bad luck to see the bride the night before and seen as we have Church tomorrow morning, my brothers, Simon and your brother were planning to take me to the club afterwards..." he said to her

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