The next few days go pretty quickly, Maddie hasn't mentioned anything about moving clubs since that night, I just want her to make the right decision for her, but I am also being selfish in that I want to be on that pitch with her, on my team.
It's game day for Mads, Aston Villa are playing Manchester City. It's a big game. Maddie left the house pretty early to travel to Villa Park, Michael and Gem are picking me up on their way.

They pick me up and we get to the stadium a couple hours before kick off. We are sat in the hospitality section which is quite nice. I hope the fans don't realise I'm sat with her family and put two and two together.
The girls come out to warm up. She looks angry. Why is she angry?
Leah: Michael?
Michael: yeah
Leah: does Maddie look angry to you?
He looks at her face.
Michael: yeah she does.
Leah: I'm going down there.
Michael: no Leah, it'll be obvious you're together then, you can't.
Leah: but she's angry and upset.
Michael: let her work it out on the pitch.
Leah: okay okay.

I watch Mads throughout the warm up, she's taking her anger out on the ball, I don't get why she's so angry.

The game kicks off, Mads is playing aggressively today and I don't like it. She's either going to hurt someone or get hurt herself. I'm never nervous when I watch her play but today feels different.

It goes to half time and it's 0-0. Mads has a yellow card and it's skating on thin ice with the ref.

Michael: she's not okay.
Leah: I know. What do we do?
Michael: we can't do anything Leah.
Leah: we have to do something! She's going to hurt herself or someone else.
Michael: we can't do anything, it's not our job today.
Leah: urgh this sucks!
I slump down in my seat and throw my head into my hands.

The second half starts, Maddie looks less angry now, but I have a really bad feeling this isn't going to end well.
She's still being aggressive on the pitch. She goes in for a tackle on Alanna Kennedy. It looks like Alanna comes off worse. The ref runs over to Maddie. It's going to be a red card. I know it's going to be a red card.
Sure enough, it's a straight red card. She storms off the pitch, I see her kick a water bottle. Why is she so angry?

Michael: I'm going to see her.
Leah: I'll come with you.
Michael; no Leah, let me go, we can't have the media speculating about you right now
Leah: okay, just let me know
Michael: of course.

Michaels POV:
I walk down to the changing rooms and go in. Maddie is throwing things and punching everything in sight.
Michael: sweetheart, stop it
She turns and sees me. She bursts into tears straight away. I hug her tightly.
Michael: what's going on?
Maddie: Alanna kissed me
Michael: what?
Maddie: I don-don't know wh-what to do dad.
Michael: let's calm down first
Maddie: where's Leah?
Michael: still in her seat
Maddie: she's going to leave me
She's still crying into my chest.
Michael: she won't darling, I promise you she won't
Maddie: I cheated on her dad, she will.
Michael: did you know it was going to happen?
Maddie: no of course not.
Michael: then she won't go anywhere.
Maddie: are you sure?
Michael: I'm 100% sure, just talk to her okay?
Maddie: can you send her down here?
Michael: of course sweetheart.
I kiss her forehead and text Leah to come down. She arrives within minutes and bursts into the changing room.
Michael: I'll give you two a minute.
I leave the room and stand outside.

Leah's POV:
I've just got to the changing rooms. Maddie is stood up, everything is everywhere and her knuckles are bleeding.
Leah: let me look at your hand
Maddie: it's fine
Leah: why are you so angry babe? What's going on?
Maddie: don't hate me, don't leave me.
Leah: where has that come from? I'm not going anywhere, I love you.
Maddie: you might not after this.
Leah: after what?
My heart starts beating really quickly. What is she going to tell me?
Maddie: Alanna kissed me
Leah: she what?
Maddie: yeah.
She sits down and puts her head in her hands.
Maddie: I'm so sorry, I cheated and I'm so sorry.
Leah: what do you mean you cheated?
My eyes start watering. She cheated on me?
Maddie: I didn't know it would happen, she just kissed me.
Leah: did- did you know or want it to happen?
Maddie: no of course not
Leah: okay
Maddie: okay?
Leah: yeah okay.
I walk out. I stand outside and think for a second. I hear Maddie crying inside. Fuck she thinks I left her, I rush back inside.
Maddie: don't please don't leave me.
Leah: I'm not going anywhere.
Maddie: you're not?
Leah: no, you didn't cheat, you didn't want it to happen, you pushed her off you right?
Maddie: of course I did
Leah: then she's in the wrong here not you.
Maddie looks at me with tears in her eyes.
Maddie: your not mad at me?
Leah: I could never be mad at you for something like this baby.
I wipe the tears from her eyes.
Maddie: I'm sorry babe
Leah: there's nothing to be sorry for okay?
I kiss her forehead and tuck her hair behind her ears.
Leah: now can I look at your hand?
She nods and I hold her hand carefully. She winces in pain.
Leah: you need to get this checked out.
Maddie: I'll sort it tomorrow
Leah: babe
Maddie: okay I'll get the medics to look at it later
Leah: promise?
Maddie: promise
I kiss her softly.
Maddie: I love you
Leah: I love you too
Maddie: can't believe I got a red card
Leah: it's okay babe, it'll be okay
Maddie: I hope so.

Love of my life Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat