His eye first landed on a really beautiful male seated by the window, looking out at the garden. The mango trees were planted in abundance here. This must be the south-western end; they better care for the fruits while they ripen, the leaves look good, this is a good time to get some of those mangoes to make pickles, the royal kitchen must be informed.

"My prince, " says a man with a dimpled smile, bowing to him. " I'm honoured to be in the presence of your grace.

Jungkook seems to take notice of his presence, nodding at him. The man tucks the book he'd been reading somewhere underneath his cape.

" May we indulge you in a conversation, your grace, before the majesties arrive?" Asks the second person.

Jungkook feels suffocated. He did not know who these people were. Jimin was not there to guide him, the royals weren't present, and he did not want to create a bad impression by disappointing people or simply messing up the alliance; lives rest upon his actions, and the responsibility comes weighing upon him.

"Yes, please," he replies, trying to recall the lessons he'd been taught and the books he'd been given.

"I'm Jin, the royal advisor for the northern kingdom, your grace," says the beautiful man with a gentle bow.

" I'm Commander Joon from the northern kingdom, your grace. It brings us great joy to be here today. Your kingdom is trulywonderful,l and we are very thankful for the warm welcome we received upon our arrival."

"I'm glad to know that you've been warmly received. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to make your stay here better. "

"Will do, your grace. "

"Please have a seat, my prince. We don't wish to tire you. " Says Jin rearranging the cushions on the seats provided. Jungkook takes a seat, and an awkward silence descends.

"What does your grace enjoy in his leisure?" asks the dimpled individual, trying to ease into things.

Plants," comes the reply all too hurriedly. " I care for a few when I find myself too burdened." The sentence meanders into quiet, leaving silence to reign once again, but it somehow breaks the ice as Jin, the advisor, breaks into a wide smile.

" Commander Joon too, enjoys taking care of plants." The said commander smiles shyly, nodding in affirmation, a tinge of red apparent in his ears.

" Do you have a favourite plant or a favourite kind of plant?"

"I like to care for bonsai."

"I've never heard of them, what kind of plants are those?"

" Wait, let me show you."

Its after this statement that the commander leaves the chamber and returns minutes later with what appears to be a plantlet with a small flower on it.

"This is my bonsai, it's a plum tree and travels with me wherever I go. It also works very hard and flowers a couple times a year. I'm really proud of it. It has...."

Jungkook finds himself endeared by this commander. If his dimples were something that caught his eye, conversing with Joon, saw the omega adoring the elder. Never had he seen someone so powerful and strong openly show care and appreciation for another life, and when it came to unmoving and non-speaking plants, it was rare he even came across people who loved them. Gentle Giant, the omega called him in his head. Joon's care was not only evident in the way he fondly spoke of his plum tree but also in how he delicately held it in his palms. The plant was small, but it looked healthy; its leaves were clean and green. The plant spoke of the care it had been bestowed. Little did the commander know that he'd become among the handful of people who'd gained the trust and respect of the omega this soon.

Jin had been the one to intervene in the conversation between the prince and the commander when he'd felt someone approach. All it had taken was a gentle squeeze of Namjoon's hand as silence reigned again.

Moments later, the Royal couple made a grand entrance to the room, accompanied by no less than ten royal guards. All had stood in their respect, and the royal couple took their sweet time settling down and permitting everyone to take their seats. It was one of the reasons Jin had developed a distaste for the royalties here.

" Don't you see Joon? They really do not care for anyone but themselves. They flaunt their power, who knows, they misuse it too, and others keep quiet just to save their lives."

"The prince seems different. "

"I won't be surprised if it turns out to be a charade. He seemed way too good to be true."

The words sound bitter to Joon. If anything, he believed his gut and his gut simply told him that the omega prince was nothing like the royals involved in his upbringing. 


Hello beloved readers,

Please do share how you feel about the story so far! Some major things are coming up ahead! 

Happy reading!

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