Chapter 43

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Henry Barbossa Turner was a boy who was raised by his mother, and as such he was a very crafty lad. Crafty enough to rescue not one but two people from their execution. Crafty enough to recognise one Mr Gibbs from the many stories his mother told. Crafty enough to mention his name and his mother's when paying them to help him wasn't enough. And he was skilled enough to take down six men before he was restrained, and he called for cannon fire.

The woman he was saving however, Carina Smythe, rather pissed him off when he was trying to save her from a hanging by holding her up and she was getting sensitive about where he was holding her. Perhaps she would just like to hang next time as he tried to elicit an accord out of her to recover Poseidon's Trident. And then she had the audacity to say that he, the son of two of the most famed pirates ever to sail the seas, got port and stern confused. He supposed that she needed to live though considering that she was the key to the map that would save his Father and reunite his parents and his family. He couldn't kill her yet no matter how much her superiority complex was irking him. Actually, that was the wrong word. Carina's belief that she was better than every man she countered simply because she was a woman of science was positively and utterly vexing to Henry. Completely and utterly vexing.

Though he wished that he called for his mother when he saw the sight of the truly pathetic ship that Jack and his pathetic crew had taken them prisoner on.

Once they had taken the Queen Anne's Revenge, the Barbossas had tinkered with the magic that let he who held the sword control the ship. It took a while and they weren't able to replicate it exactly, but now, the Black Pearl responded only to one with Barbossa blood as opposed to one who held a specific sword.

And then, when Carina refused to hand over the map to Jack, they threatened to hurt Henry.

Carina hadn't cared and called Jack's bluff, but the seasoned pirate simply said that she was blushing before ordering his men to throw Henry overboard.

"SPARROW!" Henry snarled. "Ye can't do this! When me mother finds out she will feed ye to Salazar! She will flay yer flesh from yer bones! She will-"

A gag was stuffed into Henry's mouth by Jack as he regarded the boy. "Your mother won't be doing a single thing," he smirked as Henry bucked in his bonds as he was dragged over to the rail and Carina watched as Jack explained what was about to happen. How he would be dragged under the ship, how the barnacles would slice at his skin long before he drowned. And then the blood would attract sharks. And Gibbs had claimed to see a shark after they'd tossed Henry overboard.

Thankfully, not only did Carina give Jack the map, but Henry was fine and had simply been tossed into a long boat moored on the side of the ship.

But that night Henry lost to temptation as he aimed a pistol at Jack's forehead. And he would've pulled it. He would've done it. His mother had told him stories of Jack, but they didn't do justice to how annoying the pirate was when he went on about how sleeping and drinking wasn't doing nothing and in fact, was doing two things at once. And then when he saw Henry staring at Carina, offered him some stupid advice to never go after her sister.

He had wanted to shoot himself after that, just so he didn't have to hear Jack Sparrow speak again.

"Just because you can't see something, doesn't mean it's not there," Carina said as she moved to Henry's side, and he continued looking through the spyglass.

"I ain't looking for the map. I am keeping a weather eye on the horizon."

"What good will that do?"

Henry surprised her by grinning. "They be words to live by. Especially in this case when those undead sailors ye don't believe in be coming after us."

"You're still on that?"

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