Chapter 30

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As Elizabeth stood, rather unhappily as she was dressed by Sao Feng's new attendants, Cora lounged on a chair still in her normal clothes as she twirled a knife in her hands. "Like I told yer mate back in Singapore, these clothes ain't coming off!" she'd shouted at Sao Feng who'd simply left her be before he set his sights on Elizabeth who was less inclined to protest.

Sao Feng announced himself as he spoke his native tongue, neither of the women having any clue as to what he was saying. He then clapped his hands as his attendants bowed before they left, and he moved to stir some leaves through water in a small bowl on a table in front of where Cora sat. "By this time tomorrow, we will arrive at Shipwreck Cove, and you will be free," he said before turning to Cora, "Calypso."

And she froze as she was sliding her knife back into her boot. "Excuse you?" she said, surprised as Sao Feng dipped his fingers into the bowl.

"Not a name you fancy, I imagine, out of the many that you have, but it is what we call you," Sao Feng said and Cora stood.

"I am very well aware of the many names we have for the heathen goddess," she said, playing her cards carefully, because if she understood correctly, Sao Feng believed himself to hold the most powerful chess piece on the board. She couldn't let him believe otherwise lest he kill her or fail to show up at Shipwreck Cove.

"You confirm it," he said, merely because she didn't openly deny it.

"You think Cora is a goddess?" Elizabeth blurted but a glance from Sao Feng had her silenced as he flexed his long nails which were more like claws at this point.

"I have confirmed nothing," Cora said as he ate one of the leaves and then moved closer to her, and she didn't dare back away.

"You have also denied nothing. And it was the Brethren Court, not I. The First Brethren Court, whose decision I would have opposed. They bound you to human form so the rule of the seas would belong to man and not -"

"To me," Cora finished with a small smirk on her lips.

"It is telling that this form be named heart of the sea. But one such as you should never be anything less than what you are," Sao Feng whispered as he circled around her before stopping at her side.

"And what am I? Because right now, I be a prisoner. And no matter how enticing ye words may be, no matter how freely I may roam about this ship, a cage is still a cage. And this prisoner is immune to the charms of her captor."

Sao Feng smiled. "Can I be blamed for my efforts?" he asked as he moved to stand in front of her. "Even in this form, the beauty of Barbossa's daughter reaches even the darkest parts of these waters. And all men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be."

"And some men simply think that desire be enough to acquit them of crimes even the heathen gods frown upon."

"I offer simply my desire," Sao Feng said and despite the way this disgusted Cora, she couldn't drop her act now.

So, she let a wicked smirk stretch across her lips as she asked, "And what would you have me give ye in return?"

"I would have your gifts, should you choose to give them."

"Oh, I get a choice now?" she chuckled before she sauntered closer to Sao Feng, leaving Elizabeth wondering what possible game she could be playing and what Will could possibly see in this unpredictable pirate who couldn't possibly be a goddess. "And should I deem you unworthy of my gifts?"

"Then I will take...your fury."

He grabbed her neck and slammed her back against a wooden pole as he forced his lips on hers. His lips were chapped and his skin dry, his beard greasy as he pressed up against her. And despite how she hated him at this very moment, Cora couldn't help but think of Will and the feeling of when he slammed her against a wall which vastly contrasted the feeling of when Sao Feng did it because there wasn't an ounce of pleasure in his movements.

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