Day 71 - Sadie

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It's time
That can only mean one thing. We're getting out of here, tonight.

The rest of the day goes past in a blur. After last count, I put on my training gear and slip Bucky's knife into my boot. I sneak out as normal and head to the meeting point behind Bucky's apartment. I'm 10 minutes early and the anticipation of getting out of here has my heart rate going crazy. I really hope Bucky can get Wanda out, if she's still alive.

Hidden between the bushes, I find a rucksack. Quickly going through the content and finding my pink dress tells me who put it here. I put it on my back and get ready for what ever is to come. Ten minutes pass, then another until it's reaching seven o'clock. Panic surges through me with every passing minute. Worried that Bucky has been caught. I start to feel guilty for asking him to find Wanda.

I hear a bit of commotion and poke my head around the side of the building. A few hydra guards are knocked out and being dragged into the shadows by a group of six people. I hide back behind the building hoping they haven't seen me.
I step back further but a hand comes up from behind me and covers my mouth. A tall, broad man steps towards me wearing a blue suit. I can't believe what I'm seeing, this man has the face and eyes of my brother.

The person behind me lets me go and I run into Steves arms. I don't know what has happened to him but I know this man is my brother and he's here to save me.
"Thank god you're alright"
"Wha-what happened to you?"
"It's a long story but right now we're getting you out of here"
A girl with dark hair wearing a purple suit steps out behind my brother.
"Hey Sadie!" she gives me a hug.
"You made it out of town"
"Yes, all thanks to your brother"
"We haven't officially met yet but I'm Clint Barton" one of the others in the group introduces himself.
"It's good to finally meet you. Wait, Steve! Bucky is here, he's alive" I grab Steves arm, hoping he takes the news well.
"I know, this is his plan. Where is he? He was supposed to meet us here as well" 

Alarms start blaring around the base.
"We really have to go" Clint says and the group being to move but I don't.
"I can't leave without him" I promised myself that I'd save him.
"We have no time. He'll know what to do" Steve reassures me. I hesitate but soldiers start running out of the buildings towards us so I move. I follow close behind Steve as he uses a round shield which is easily deflecting bullets just like Bucky's metal arm. We make it into a building and stop at a flight of stairs.

"Ok time for phase two! Rogers and Bishop, you get Sadie out of here. The rest of us follow me!" Clint shouts and the group with Clint carry on further into the base. The three of us go down the stairs and reach a door.
"Through here Sadie" Kate leads.
"Where are they going?" I ask as I follow her through the door, Steve following behind.
"They're going to try and destroy as much of the lab and research facility as they can"
"That's a suicide mission! There's too many of them!"
"Don't worry, they are highly trained agents and spies. They'll be in and out before they get caught and hopefully find Bucky in the process"
The three of us continue down a series of passages with only a head torch to guide us. My mind is full of worry over Bucky. I just want to be safe in his arms again. I don't know how I'll cope if I loose him again.

Finally, the darkness of the tunnels leads up a flight of stairs into the night. A truck is waiting for us and we jump in. I finally breathe a little easier knowing I'm reunited with Steve and no longer trapped within the base.
"Where are we going?" my leg bounces up and down. The adrenaline starting to come down.
"We've joined a group called SHIELD who have been working on taking Hydra down for years. They have a compound half a days drive from here"
"It's where we've been training. Clint taught me how to enhance my skills with a bow" Kate holds out her bow. She always was good at archery in the back garden.
"Is that where, this happened?" I wave my hands over Steves body. He gives out a small chuckle.
"Yes. I was a test subject for a super soldier project. There were supposed to be more changed like I was but Hydra got in the way. I was willing to try anything to save you"
"Oh Steve" I wrap my arms around him.

A voice starts to come through the hand radio next to Kate.
"Rogers-Rogers-Come in"
"Barton, what's the update" Steve speaks back.
"Phase two complete, just left the tunnels"
"Good work. Any word on Barnes?"
"Negative, no sign of him"
Steve sighs and dread fills my mind.
"Ok. We're a still a few hours out from base. Keep me updated if anything changes"
I close my eyes to prevent tears falling. He has to be alive. He has to get out. I need the chance to tell him that I love him.

I wake up on a sofa in SHIELDs base. I'm still wearing my clothes from Hydra and I check the time on the wall. It's six o'clock in the morning, I must have fallen asleep waiting for Bucky to arrive. I nearly trip up as I rush out of the room to find Steve.

"Any news?" I don't bother with hellos. Steve shakes his head. He's showered and changed since I last saw him.
"Rogers, you're needed in the meeting room" Clint pop his head into the room. Steve and I look to each other then both follow. A dozen agents sit around a table, half of them those that helped me break out. Agent Hill stands at the front.

"Last nights mission was a success. Not only did we get Sadie out, but we have confirmation that Alexandra Pierce is dead along with a number of other high ranking officers. A few hydra loyalists were also killed in the escape but as far as we know there's no unnecessary casualties."
"Phase three will commence in the coming days. Now that the leadership is unstable, we will be able to enter and take over the camp, freeing those who are prisoners and charging Hydra loyalists with war crimes"

I can't believe what I'm hearing. This is a major loss for Hydra and hopefully the start of their fall. Agent Hill presses her finger to her intercom in her ear then her eyes meet with mine.
"Two at the front gate"
I vaguely hear Steve shout for me but I'm already gone.

Bucky and Wanda stand the other side of the gate. As I get closer I see that Wanda is holding Bucky up and that his metal arm is missing. I run fast and shout to open the gate. It finally opens and Steve is by my side, taking Bucky off Wanda who collapses from exhaustion. Agents rush to help her.

I walk beside Steve as he carries him to the mini hospital before placing him down on a bed.
"Bucky?" His eyes flicker open slightly.
"Sadie?" His voice is so weak.
"I'm right here, you're safe now. We're free" I take hold of his right hand and kiss his cheek.
"I'm with you till the end of the line Doll. I love you"
"I love you too, with all my heart"

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