Day 15 - Sadie

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It's been two weeks of training. We have a number of classes from physical combat to using weapons such as guns and knives. Once we've passed certain levels, we will advance down certain routes within Hydra depending on our skills. Most are made into soldiers but others excel in science and research. We get down time after dinner at 6pm but are restricted to our dorms. I haven't seen Kate here yet but Wanda and I have become close. I think we both needed a shoulder to lean on.

One afternoon during lunch I leave the canteen early to try and find out if Steve is here on the base. I continue to make my way past the dorm building and beyond the outdoor training grounds.

I start to get nervous as I come closer to the side of camp which house and train the men. Heads turn my way as I walk past swiftly and now I wonder if this was a big mistake. I'm out on my own here with no way of defending myself if anyone tries anything.

"Are you lost pretty girl?" A man steps in front of me, blocking my path. His muscles press against his tight t-shirt and a burn scar covers one side of his face. Half a dozen other men step forward us with sneering smiles. I take a few steps back as the man steps towards me.
"I'm-im just trying to find someone" the fear in my voice is apparent as I try to search for a way past.
"We can help you, can't we guys" he steps closer till I can feel his breath against my face. He's not much taller than me but I can't bare to look him in the eyes.
"What's your name, sweetheart?"
"Sadie.. Rogers"
"Well Sadie, we don't do things for free around here. How about you give us what we want and we'll help you in return."
He strokes the side of my face with the back of his rough hand. I'm frozen on the spot and my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest with nerves.

"Step away, Rumlow" a strong voice comes from a man cladded in black armour. He is a foot taller than the rest and his presence dominates the space. He has long dark hair down to his shoulders which covers most of his face. The sun catches the silver on his left arm which makes me realise it is made of metal. The red Hydra star is painted in the side.

The other men around me all step aside and appear to be scared of this man, which doesn't fill me with hope. Rumlow drops his hand from my face and steps away.
"She's all yours, Barnes"

Barnes. It can't be.

The man with the metal arm steps closer and I can now see his face more clearly. He grips my arm and turns me around making me walk. He leans down and whispers in my ear
"Keep walking and don't say a word."
I do as he says and we keep walking till we're back near the women's training area and away from anyone to hear us. I pull my arm from his grip and turn to face the blue eyes I never thought I'd see again.
"Bucky?" I whisper.

The blue eyes stare back at me like he's seen a ghost. He looks so different to when I last saw him eight years ago. Apart from the physical changes, something tells me this is far from the Bucky Barnes I used to know. There's pain and sadness in his eyes.

"Shh. Not here, they're always watching" I look around frantically to see who he means. Although I can't see anyone, I'm sure Hydra has eyes everywhere.
"Door 325, tomorrow after last checks" he turns and leaves without another word. I'm left standing in shock and confusion as he leaves, again.

Eight years ago
It's a beautiful spring evening and I'm wearing my favourite pink dress as I walk home from my friends house. I made sure I left in time to get home in time for Sunday dinner. Bucky joins us every week as he's best friends with my brother and like a second son to our parents.

I make it onto our street when I see Bucky walking down our driveway with a bag on his back. Steve is stood on the top step of our porch, unmoving. Bucky throws his bag in the back of the car which is parked in front of the house then pauses when he spots me. I can't read the emotions on his face from this far away but there's a loss of his normal warmth. We stare at each other for a few seconds before he climbs in the passenger side and the car drives off.

Saving the Winter SoldierTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon