Pushing the covers off of my body, I don't even bother to look in the mirror as I pull on a pair of short running shorts to make my way downstairs and into the kitchen.

With everyone out to breakfast, I plan on pouring the biggest bowl of cereal known to man and eating the whole thing.

My long socks that bunch around my ankles skid across the hardwood floor when I hit the landing, my hand on the banister to swing around the corner.

Immediately, I see the folded blankets at the foot of the couch with the pillow sitting on top and feel the guilt as it crawls across my subconscious.

If it wasn't for me, Harry wouldn't be stuck sleeping out here.


There's a part of me that wants to know what it feels like to fall asleep next to him— to get to trace the shapes that are forever inked into his skin in the morning.

Almost like I want to know what it feels like to brush my teeth next to him and share the sink.

Domestic things.

Whatever thing we had? It wasn't that. It wasn't a relationship and it couldn't be a relationship.

But what if we did?

An intrusive thought that kept winning in my mind, one that let me imagine a life with Harry. One filled with family dinners and date nights— not to mention the laughs. Something tells me there would be so many laughs.

So many.

Opening the fridge and getting out the milk, I start opening the cabinets to look for the bowls, easily finding one before continuing my search for cereal.

"Are you serious?" Standing with my hands on my hips, I look at the top row of the open cabinet next to the refrigerator. "Who puts cereal all the way up there?"

Lined up on the top shelf, right in the middle, sits the box of Captain Crunch.

Propping my hands on the counter and hoisting myself up, I reach for the yellow box. I could feel the way my sweater pulled up over my ass and thanked god nobody else was here to see me as I finally lowered myself back to the ground.

Smug about my foraging skills, I reach into the box and pull out a handful of cereal, turning on my heel to grab a spoon from the drawer—

"I could stare at that ass all fucking day."

Shrieking, I throw not only the box of cereal, but also toss my whole handful of dry cereal in the air.


Standing on the other side of the kitchen with his arms crossed, not even a hint of a smile rests on his heart shaped lips.

Time stands still as we look at each other.

Harry looks so fucking irresistible in what I'm assuming is a vintage Green Bay Packers shirt and a pair of black running shorts. Curls in every which way like he hadn't even ran his fingers through them since we rolled off of the couch.

He was the most attractive man I've ever seen.

Those mossy green eyes lock onto mine and turn into the darkest shade of evergreen as he moves towards me, covering the space in just a few long strides.

One of his hands reaches for the base of my throat as the other slides up the back of my thigh and under my sweater, both working to pull me into him.

Absolutely nothing about his kiss is gentle.


A moan slips from the back of my throat as his hand tightens around my neck, the feeling of his tongue moving along mine so euphoric I can't help it.

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