"This is what you've done with the information I gave you?"

We turned to face the voice, seeing Dust leaning against the doorframe. How long had he been there?!

Cross sat in silence, but Killer..

"Well, duh! What else am I s'posed to think, he literally made Ink a Soul and is now looking into whatever Cross said." He spoke, as if it was obvious.

I sat down, knowing that this would take forever. If Dust and Killer were to get into an argument with each other it would likely never end, the pair being the type to want to always come out on top. But.. Soul Transference? What the Hell was he planning to do? Take my Soul? There's no way anything like that could be possible, right? Besides, he'd made me a Soul.. if he needed one of his own he could just do whatever he did to me in the first place to get one himself.

"Well, I wouldn't expect you to know this," Dust began, walking over and flicking Killer on the skull, "but Ink and Nightmare need different Souls."

"What kind of logic is that? It's a Soul."

"I don't know if you're aware of the, ah, height difference between Ink and Nightmare,"

Of course he'd bring up the height difference, why wouldn't he?

"But Nightmare would need an entirely different Soul - both in size, and the other factor which I shouldn't even need to explain."

Other factor?

Killer stared deadpan at him, "Oh, please. Enlighten us idiots, oh gracious Lord of smartness."

Dust scoffed, "Nightmare's a Guardian, Ink is.. well, used to be a Protector. Ink's magic comes from, presumably, the creators. Nightmare's magic comes from the emotions of people around him."

Killer glanced over to me, quietly laughing. I guess the confusion was horrifically written across my face, because I couldn't understand a single thing Dust was on about. I understood the fact that our magic sources were different, but my mind was blank otherwise.

"Right, and for us even dumber folk what does that mean?" Cross asked.

"It means that unless Nightmare has somehow-" Dust paused, looking over to me.

"..somehow?" I prompted.

There was silence for a moment as all eyes were on Dust, before he ran off. I stood and began to run after him, but found myself being yanked back by someone.

"Don't! He's probably going to Nightmare and-"

I pushed against Cross' grasp, "which means I should go! If it's my Soul that's in danger-"

"And then what?" Killer called out from behind me.

And then what? What did he mean? Obviously I'd find out what Nightmare was planning to do and I'd put a stop to it, that's what!

"Nightmare won't spill shit if you're there, just leave Dust to get any information and he'll relay it back to us."

I stopped struggling. Killer was right, sort of. Nightmare wouldn't say much of anything if I was there, especially if he was trying to get everyone to lie to me.. but I didn't even know if Dust was on my side. I didn't know if anyone was. All of this could've still been some part of a multi levelled scheme against me. Nightmare was an insanely good planner, that fact was known across the Multiverse, so for his plan to have this many holes..

"I guess so." I relented, feeling Cross let go of me.

If there was nothing I could do, then whatever. My mind was burning with all the different possibilities of what could be happening.

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