A clatter, both of them looked at Teddy.
Teddy had been listening so intensely at their little exchange that a piece of mango had fallen out of his mouth onto his plate.
Teddy looked shocked at the sudden attention on him.

Morten decided to help him by asking a question he was hurting to ask,
" What you all have as gifts? "

Teddy had just stuffed more food in an attempt to seem normal and now found himself trying to chew quickly.
Morten directed his eyes at Agnus.

Agnus frowned.
" Not sure yet, I have options. " He said thoughtfully.

Teddy had managed to swallow,
" Black pearl" he said gulping.

" Jewelry? " Asked Morten.

Teddy nodded.

Agnus shrugged.

" Girls mostly like jewelry, especially if it's rare! " Teddy said.

Morten's sister in law had packed jewelry,
because the frozen had tons of rare stones and unique materials found nowhere else
and only in very secluded little spots even in their lands.
But, it seemed... stupid?

Morten looked at Agnus, "Are you giving jewelry?"

Agnus grunted, "I'm trying to close a pretty solid deal.
I have not yet concluded what be the gift to do so.."

"But," Morten was getting annoyed," Is jewelry among the options?"

Agnus shook his head.

Morten screamed internally, this wasn't getting him anywhere!

Agnus noticed his upset and put up his hand in the same gesture he had thrown up yesterday evening.
" Calm down Morten,
go with something simple and neutral.
I have information on the girl I am giving the gift to, that changes everything."

Morten's brain crackled at this, how did he know?
Had he missed something?

Teddy, not having been terrified by Agnus the day before, asked it though.
" How do you know? Because she has your pup? "

He had apparently tried to figure it out as well.

Agnus smiled a crooked smile,
" Yes kid, I can talk to wolves, it comes to visit me at night and tells me about her. "

Teddy just blinked at him, seemingly unsure if he was serious or joking.

Agnus shook his head seeing Teddy's expression of bewilderment.
" You.. " he pointed at Morten," pick an unusual bit of jewelry and give it to the girl with the least gifts. "

He slightly turned,
" you, " he said, nodding at Teddy,
" Pick whichever five you like, but use your head, not your balls."

Morten choked on his juice he had finally put to his lips.


"You think they're nude like us?" Asked a violently blushing Teddy.

The handsome sand snorted, "I don't think the council would do such a thing."

They were standing in the same area they had been given underpants with butt strings.
Morten couldn't help but be sure all of them had secretly considered Teddy's question.

The red headed screamer stepped through the curtains, waving lazily.
" You! " She barked.

All of them felt addressed and that seemed to have been her purpose.

"Get your heads on straight and behave!"

Teddy winced at his own nerves.

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