His Pov

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Disclaimer:I do not own any of the characters from monsta, I am simply borrowing them, and the art of the chapters are from Google, credits to the artist

Hello author here, this is just boboiboy pov, to fill in some potential questions you, the reader, may have from the last chapter(his day..) now let's get started

I woke up, I didn't have the nightmare again, anyways I did my routine, then went outside to go to the park to get to rest a little(the power spheres are charging in the watch) while walking though, I met with the bully's, they wanted my watch! No way I'm letting that happen without a fight, though they told me their names, Derek, Chloe Derek's younger sis, and Mike, their best friend, then suddenly Mike held my hands firmly, "this is the end" I thought, but they then started to severely hurt citezens, I called for the police as loud as I can, when the police went to see what the commotion is about, they saw 17 unconscious body's, laying on the ground, the police immediately took them to the car, they called an ambulance for the hurt people, they then questioned me, I told them what had happened, and they left, I was just standing there, seeing all the body's getting picked up by ambulances each, after the ambulance went to the hospital, my trance stopped, I just decided to continue to the park, I went their and played under a tree, processing everything that happened, when I finished I saw that it was sunset, so I went to go to the hotel, while going, someone asked me to buy their burger for very cheap, so I got one burger, and went back to the hotel, when I got in my room, I ate my burger and went to bed, though, I feel someone..... Watching me...... It's probably just nothing haha

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