Aching Trust

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Disclaimer:I do not own any of the characters from monsta, I am simply borrowing them, and the art of the chapters are from Google, credits to the artist (in the image you can see the intagrame of the iroginal artist, pls follow them if you can)

Boboiboy woke up normally

Boboiboy:"I didn't get the same nightmare?"

The young boy asked to himself, he was obviously puzzled by this but decided not to think about it

After he did his morning routine

The young hero called commander koko ci, and he saluted before speaking

Commander koko ci:" good morning, cadet boboiboy, why did you call me?"

Boboiboy:"good morning commander! I just wanted to tell you something that happened yesterday"

And after, he explained it all in detail, and then the call ended, but our hero had suddenly gotten a big headache, he was wondering why

In the watch

Halilinator:"oi! Lightbulb! Why is ori looking like he's hurt!?"

The lightning element said, clearly mad

Solar:"... He's memories of him is starting to go back...."

The elements didn't like that

Outside the watch

Our elemental hero had been in pain with all the headaches, so he decided to sleep for a while, while he was asleep someone was watching him, closely

??? :" why don't you remember me? "

The hero heard that and looked to where he heard the voice, and saw nothing..

Boboiboy:"that's weird"

The the hero slept for 2 hours, in the watch the elements noticed and heard the voice, they all new it was him, our hero woke up! Hm, I guess I should get groceries, and so he went to the supermarket, on the way he saw the 3 bully's (you thought I forgot about them huh? You did, didya?) he immediately ran to the ally, not wanting to cause trouble

Stranger 1:"he fell for our trap"

The they sorrounded boboiboy, boboiboy couldn't escape, and didn't want to draw any attention by using his elements, they then bullyed him (punching him, kicking him, ect) and after they left him, he just went to the grocery store and bought what he needed, including bandages(more than he needed just in case) the went to the hotel, his friends called

Yaya:"hi boboiboy!"

Boboiboy:"oh, hi Yaya!"

Gopal:"boboiboy, I miss youT_T huhhh"

Fang:"oh shut up gopal!"

Smackes gopal*

Gopal:"ow, that hurts huh huh"

Ying:"anyways, boboiboy, how is your mission?"

Boboiboy:"its going nicely what about you?"

They started talking until when boboiboy went in his room and saw the power sphera, it noticed boboiboy and grabbed a pillow for protection, boboiboy quickly said goodbye and ended the call

Boboiboy:"hey, look, I know we don't know each other but, I'm here to protect you"

Memory bot:"uh huh, how should I trust you!?"

Boboiboy:"im from tapops"

Memory bot:"tapops?"

Boboiboy:"yes, tapops, Tracker And Protecter Of Power spheras"

Memory bot:"I don't trust you"

Boboiboy:"atleast give me a chance"

Memory bot:"hmm,no, lots of aliens want me, how do I know you don't want me as well? "


Before he could even reply, memory bot opened the window fast and jumped out

Boboiboy:"wait! That's way too far! You'll get hurt!"

The our hero, as reckless and selfless he is,jumped after the power sphera, he used taufan to get down safely, though he couldn't find memory bot, though he did find memory bot's arm

Boboiboy/taufan:"sigh, looks like you got hurt, I guess I'll just keep this until I save you"

And with that's boboiboy/taufan flew up and went back to his room, closed the window and hid the arm in the watch

In the watch

Thorn:"hey solar, why is their a power sphere arm?"

Asked the innocent child

Solar:"that's because while you where playing iro put the power sphere here, to keep it safe"

Thorn:"oohhh, ok that makes sense"


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