chapter 3: arc 1

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One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight.

Ross counted eight massive tentacles crafted from intestines, lashing out indiscriminately at everything in their path—trees, structures, and anything else unlucky enough to be nearby.

Another sweat tickled his jaw to neck. His fingers around his katana itch to scratch it but managed to resist the urge. He leaped behind a tall tree.

The creature emitted a piercing screech, followed by the swoosh of a tentacle narrowly missing Ross as he ducked. The tree he had been hiding behind was cleaved in two, one half flying through the air before crashing to the ground with a heavy thud.

"Riya!" he yelled, warning his colleague at the fast approaching tentacle. His eyes widened as a saucers upon seeing riya flew far away from the impact. Shit!

Ross jumped from one tree branch to another, desperately searching for Riya. He could only pray that she was safe, willing to lose his hand as long as she remained alive!

Just as he was about to leap to another branch of a tall tree behind the monster, a tentacle wrapped around his ankle pulling him harshly in the air.

"Fuck!" It was so fast he was not able to hold on to a branch.

Ross let out a whimper as he confronted the monstrous sight before him—a creature resembling a head composed of various organs, with a massive eye comprised of human eyeballs positioned on its forehead. Its lower half was surrounded by eight enormous tentacles made of intestines, extending for an unknown length.

He clenched his teeth. If Commander Yen would not be able to reach them just in time, their organs will be one of those what made this monster. It's only him and Riya that accidentally found this monster in the forest by looking for civilians possibly hurt and hid somewhere.

Ross clenched his fingers around his katana. If he dies he should die trying to live, right?

The monster's eye parted, then it screeched in front of his face. Tid bits of skin and blood flew across his face. Is it gonna consume him?

His question was answered immediately when the monster lifted him by its tentacles, inching close to the parted eye. Memories of joyous times spent with his loved ones flooded his mind—laughter echoing, moments of shared happiness, tears shed in sorrow, and the comforting embrace of those closest to him.

He could not ask for a back up, his earpiece was slapped off his ears after that call with Commander Yen! Riya's earpiece, too! No doubt pulverized somewhere on the ground.

Running away isn't an option either. This monster is huge, towering over them like a three-story building! And they're close to the city—giving in to cowardice might only worsen the problem and result in more casualties!

Dealing with a threat of this level requires the expertise of a high-ranking official like Commander Yen. It's not that he's underestimating his colleagues-- no offense to Vice Commander Anika, who's incredibly strong--but defeating a level three threat would require the combined efforts of at least five second-in-command officers. Only a commander, like Yen, could manage it.

But still... he would not die without fighting!

His eyes lit in rage, nostrils flaring. With tear brimmed eyes, he gripped his katana and lifted his arms.

"Fuck you!" Ross felt his throat raw from the force of his shout, hoping someone strong would hear his cry. He swung his katana at the tentacle wrapped around his ankle, but his face paled when the blade shattered into pieces after just one strike.

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