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"(Y/n), there's a letter here for you from Hyogo,"
Your mom told you, setting the letter on the table in front of you.

You opened the letter, taking out the paper and examining the writing. The handwriting wasn't the best, and it was in crayon, so you assumed that a child had written it to you.

Hi big bro this is Shinsuke. My grandma said I could write you a letter so I made sure to use my best crayons. You should come back so I can play with you some more.
Atsumu and Osamu said hi too.

Oh that letter was just too adorable! You loved the sentence structures created by little kids, it was always so awkwardly to the point, with little to no commas or proper punctuation. And he used his best crayons too!

You could practically picture the little boy excitedly sending his letter through the mail, hoping it'd reach you.

You quickly wrote a letter back to him, and sent it through the mail with a Polaroid photo as well so he'd have something to remember you by.

Hopefully he'd be able to read it.


"Nii-chan, could we get ice cream today please?"

You looked down at your younger brother who was holding your hand,

He gripped your hand a little tighter as you walked on the sidewalk,
"I want some! I haven't had any since forever ago!"

Thinking back on it, it had been a while since Tooru had gotten a cold treat, same going for you as well.

"Sounds like a plan then. You think you can walk all the way there or should I pick you up?"

He shook his head with happy eyes,
"I can walk!"

Since you were entertaining his request, he wanted to make sure you saw that he could handle walking there without any help. You were gonna be so surprised at how strong he was!

Although it took a while thanks to your younger brother overestimating his stamina, you made it to the ice cream shop, with all of Tooru's fatigue disappearing at the sight of the frozen treats.

"Nii-chan! Can I get this flavor? And I want a waffle cone too! With three scoops!"
He said excitedly.

"Tooru, I think you're forgetting something,"
You said with a raised brow.

He thought it over for a moment before realizing his mistake. He rushed over to give you a hug, giving you the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"Pretty please?"

You patted his head,
"Of course. Let's go up and order,"

You only ended up getting your little brother an ice cream since with everything he ordered plus add-ons, the total price of his ice cream was something you weren't really happy was impacting your wallet.

Tooru was obviously ecstatic to get his super cool ice cream, humming happily as he enjoyed his cold treat.

After finishing one of the scoops in his cone, he looked up at you and asked,
"Nii-chan, why didn't you get ice cream?"

You looked away from him,
"Turns out I wasn't really in the mood for it,"

He sat silent for a moment, somehow deciphering that you weren't telling the truth.

Though he was young, he was able to catch some of the sacrifices you made for his happiness, and wanted to pay you back for them.

"You can have some of mine! It's yummy!"
He insisted.

You shook your head,
"No Tooru, it's yours. Enjoy it,"

The little boy pouted,
"But I want you to have some! Just a little bit!"

Rather than argue with him in public, you indulged him, letting out a dramatized sound of enjoyment after taking a lick.
"Mmm, that was really good, Tooru! Thank you,"

He smiled brightly at you, going back to eating his ice cream.

It was touching how nice your brother could be sometimes, though you still wish you could've gotten your own ice cream. Why were you cursed to be so frugal?!

After he finished his ice cream, being too tired to walk, you carried your bother home on your back, with him struggling to not doze off.

You let out a sigh as you got into bed, tired from another long day of school and babysitting. It'd be over soon, soon you'd be in college and wouldn't need to do all of this, though it'd definitely provide its own slew of challenges.

Your younger brother snuck into your bed, going under your blankets before popping his head up near yours.

You kissed his forehead,
"Sleeping in my bed tonight, Tooru?"

He nodded quietly, snuggling up to you before softly snoring.

You made him feel safe, and he'd make sure to enjoy that while it lasted.

Haven't seen yall in a while

Volleyball babysitter (little Haikyuu + M!reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora