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"Thanks again for agreeing to babysit Hajime while we're gone,"

You shrugged,
"It's more like chaperoning a sleepover, but sure. Is there anything I should know?"

Hajime's parents thought for a second before speaking,
"Oh yeah! We think he might have a crush on you. Let him down easy, alright?"


"Okay byeeee!"

The parents of the household quickly escaped before any awkward conversation could ensue, which left you alone with some very weird information.

I mean you'd always suspected that Hajime respected and looked up to you, but this?!

It also suddenly became very clear why the Valentine's Day candy you got seemed to be a better quality than the one what Tooru had gotten.

Small hands grabbed onto yours, tugging on you,
"Nii-chan! You should play monsters and heroes with us! You can be the monster!"

"In a minute, Tooru. By the way, where's Hajime?"

The boy did not stop tugging on you as he answered,
"Iwa-chan's in his room waiting for us! Now c'mon!"

You sighed as you gave into your little brother's demands, letting him drag you over to his friend's room.

But the room was strangely clean though some pieces of red construction paper were strewn about the room, almost like rose petals...

And that's when you saw it.

A little boy shyly holding out a ring towards you.

"Is that a ring pop? Hajime, we're having dinner soon, you know those will ruin your appetite,"

The boy gave you an earnest look,
"It's for you!"

You raised a brow and watched as your little brother whispered some words of encouragement to his friend.

"I wanna marry you!"

You weren't sure if you wanted to laugh or melt from the awkwardness you were feeling.

So you did both, much to the dismay of the two children.

"Haha! Im sorry Hajime, but no thanks,"

Hajime looked down at the ring pop (ITS CANDY IF YOU DONT KNOW ALREADY) with disappointment.

"Did I get the wrong flavor?"

You sighed and knelt down in front of the boy, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"No, that's not it. Well I mean you did get the wrong flavor but that's not why I said no. You are way too young for me,"

Hearing that, he suddenly looked at you with hope in his eyes,
"Does that mean when I'm older-"

"Nope! Not a chance,"

He sighed in sadness.

"Listen Hajime, you're like a little brother to me, just like Tooru! Isn't that still nice?"

Volleyball babysitter (little Haikyuu + M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now