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"So... who are you two?"

The tiny twins were cowering in the corner, seemingly afraid of you.

'Why do they look so scared? Do I really seem that scary?'

From your position on the futon, you scooted a little closer to them, and they took that as their sign to high-tail it out of there.

Soon you saw your little brother walking in the room,
"Nii-chan, you're awake now!"

He plopped his body on top of yours, giggling as you squirmed.

"Morning, Tooru! Did you see some twins walking around here?"

He nodded gleefully,
"Mhm! Those are my new friends! I don't remember their names though..."

"That's alright, I'm sure we'll see 'em again soon. Did you brush your teeth yet?"

He smiled widely, showing you his pearly whites,
"Yup! Mom brought our toothbrushes, but not toothpaste, so I had to use the icky mint one!"

You pulled at his cheeks,
"Awww, I'm sorry, Tooru,"

He moved your hands away from his face,
"It's alright, mom says I'm becoming a big boy now!"

He crawled underneath your blanket to hug you close, and you ran your hand over his hair,
"Mmm, you sure are,"

You suddenly flung the blanket off, standing up with the tiny boy still clinging onto you, giggling uncontrollably.

You spoke in an exaggerated tone,
"Oops! It looks like I have to use the bathroom now!"

The little boy gasped, jumping off of you and running away.

You went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth, enjoying how you no longer had the weight of a 6-7 year old on you.

After greeting your doting relatives, you approached your mother, who seemed to be getting ready with Tooru for something.

"Where're you going?"

She helped him put his shoes on before answering,
"We have to get allergy medicine for Tooru, and the only pharmacy is a little ways out,"

She gave you a kiss on the forehead before heading out with your younger brother, who did NOT seem happy about the whole thing.

'Well now what do I do?'

One of your relatives approached you,
"If you're bored, you could always help out in the fields!"

"Sure, why not?"

You shrugged as you followed them to the fields, finding a set of gear already laid out on the grass for you.


The gear consisted of a trowel and waders (rubber overalls with boots), which you put on to keep yourself from getting dirty.

You approached some adults who were also working in the fields, and they handed you some rice seedlings.

"Today we'll be planting them, dig about a finger length into the ground,"

You nodded, and started to dig into the earth to make room for the seedlings.

When you finished your first row, you noticed that it was... not the best looking.

You heard a tiny voice,
"Yer supposed to work backwards,"

You looked around for who was giving you the advice, but couldn't seem to find them.

Then you felt a tug on your waders,
"Nii-san, I'm down here,"

You looked down to see a little boy who seemed to be about the same age as your brother. His hair was white with black ends, and a calm expression on his face.

You crouched down to his level,
"Thanks for the advice little dude! What's your name?"

He looked around the fields as though someone was looking for him,
"Kita Shinsuke. My grandma doesn't want me here, she says I'm not old enough yet,"

You chuckled,
"Well I'm Oikawa (f/n), nice to meet you!"

He gasped,
"Yer not from here! Where're ya from?!"

You stood back up, staring off into the distance,
"Miyagi, I'm here visiting family,"

He seemed a little excited,
"Did you get to ride a train?!"

You nodded your head, and he gasped again. Then from a distance, you could hear someone calling his name.

"Shinsuke! Are you here? You've got to get to school!"

He seemed shocked by the revelation, but when he tried to walk, he got stuck in the mud. He turned to you with his arms outstretched, and you knew what to do.

You picked him up, and carried him to an old woman you presumed to be his grandmother.

"There you are! You didn't think you'd be able to skip out on school today, did you?"

He shook his head,
"I just wanted to help..."

Hee expression relaxed into a soft smile, her hand cupping his cheek,
"I know, but you're still a bit young for that, leave it to us old folks!"

She ruffled his hair before bringing her attention to you.

"Dearie, would you be so kind as to take little Shinsuke here to school? His parents are out right now, and my hip surgery is pretty new,"

You had already taken off your waders by the time she finished speaking.

"Of course,"

She smiled at you before handing you some cash,
"For the bus,"

You helped Kita out of his tiny waders, and his grandma gave him his backpack and a recorder.

"I have music class today!"

"Is that so? Do you wanna play me a song?"

He nodded with excitement, and played his recorder all the way to the bus stop.

"Nii-san, did ya like it?"

You pat his head,
"Mhm, I think it was wonderful!"

He shined at your praise, looking at his recorder with determination.


The two of you boarded the bus, which took you to an old looking school.

"Okay Shinsuke, have fun at school!"

He gave you a gloomy look,
"Yer not coming?"

You felt your heart stab itself.

"I- of course I'm coming with you! Lead the way!"

He grabbed onto your hand before leading you inside.


Volleyball babysitter (little Haikyuu + M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now