Elemental City

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A/N: I personally would be a Water Elemental, too...I'm just so damn emotional! In your opinion, what elemental would you be? Also, I thought the story, I'll always come in to check if it needs editing, so yeah! Sorry if it's bad, I tried! ^^


Normal POV

Water crashing, waves swaying as a bright light could be seen through the fog. A small boat could be seen floating on the open seas as two fire elements seem worried about where their headed.

The two seem hopeless, but it comes back slowly as they both look up to see a hot pink air balloon floating towards a beautiful city. Other types of air transportation could be seen heading in the same direction as well.

The two fire elements look in amazement at the sight, as other forms of transportation could also be seen either leaving or coming towards the big city. The female fire element gets up from her seat as she walks over to her husband, placing her hand on his arm. The two smile at the sight once more as the boat pulls up to the dock.

The boat stops as the two fire elements walk down the platform onto the docks, the male fire element holding the luggage. His wife is holding a blue flame in a sort of lantern, standing behind him.

The two watch to see another boat stop across from them. They see trees, earth elements, and exit from the boat with big smiles on their face.

"Please keep all limbs and branches inside," an announcer states as the Earth Elements all start to exit.

The two fire elements still watch in amazement but confused. Another boat appears, except a submarine. It emerged from the sea as it poured out water and hats. The water forms to show different water elements. They grab their luggage and start to walk in the same direction as everyone else.

"Oh, I believe this is yours!" One water elemental says, handing the luggage they picked up to the other water element, "Oh, thanks!" The other water element smiled in gratitude.

Above the docks was an air dock where a blimp stopped and unloaded some air elements. An air element baby could be heard crying as the blimp deflates going down to pick up more air elements as it fills up with air.

The two fire elements enter a beautiful building as they look around as the signs and sounds of the building, "Please have your documents ready for inspection..." A voice said.

The two fire elements got into a line and waited for their turn. On the walls, different artworks could be seen. Water came first, then Earth and finally Air. All seemed welcoming.

"Next!" A voice yelled out as both fire element smiled and rushed up to the Earth element in front of them, "Your names?" He asked kindly with a big smile.

The male fire element spoke his native tongue, Firish, which only the other fire element there, his wife, could understand. His wife tries to speak to the Earth element as well, but he couldn't understand either of them.

He still kept his smile and tried to at least get something, "Great..and how do we spell that?" He took out stamp ink and a paper to write their names down on.

Only roaring and hissing came out of the male fire elements mouth. As the Earth Element tried to find something that would make sense.

"How about we go with..." The Earth Elemental tried to think, "...Bernie and Cinder?" He smiled, rubbing his nose on stamp ink as he stamped his nose on the paper.

He held the paper in his hands, "Welcome to Element City!" He smiled and handed them the paper.

The two walked to doors saying 'Element City' on it as they pushed it open. The doors open to show the beautiful and vast place of Elements City.

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