i know a place

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Sofias alarm rang loudly throughout her room causing her to wake up to the sun shining brightly through her windows. She got out of her bed and brushed her teeth before she started doing her makeup. She did light makeup before slightly curling her hair and putting it in a half up half down with a braid in the back.

She then pulled on short jean skirt, white cropped shirt, with a dainty necklace holding a red colored heart. She sprayed her perfume on herself before walking downstairs to put her shoes on and grabbing her backpack.

"Sofia, sweetie!" she could hear her Mom yell from the kitchen. Sofia was never much a fan of her mom, she was always telling her what to do and wear. "Tim's coming to dinner right?" she questioned her. Sofia knew her mother loved Tim because he was everything she thought was perfect. He's popular, attractive, and gets along well with parents.

"Mhm" she nodded her head playing with the car keys in her hand.

"Chin up and smile. You don't wanna be ugly now do you?" her Mom reminded her with a passive aggressive smile coming across her face. Sofia just did as she was told before walking out the front door and getting into her car.

As she drove into school she parked in the juniors parking spaces before walking into the building. As she walked the hallways she felt someone jump behind her grabbing her shoulders. "Sof!" she person exclaimed before walking around to her side. "What's your first period?" the girl asked, which Sofia could now tell it was Thia.

"History with Mr. G..." she read off her phone that had her schedule on it.

"Isn't that like a senior class?" the other girl questioned taking a drink of her coffee.

"Yeah, but it's Mr. G, so I don't think it's really gonna do anything for me" she laughed as the two turned the corner. "This is my class" she told the girl as they stood outside the door.

"Ok see you later babes" she smiled walking off and waving at the girl before disappearing amongst the other students.

As Sofia entered the classroom she saw her sister along with Brittany, Tim, and the group of girls she had met last night. Her eyes stayed focused on the girl with short dark hair who was wearing a red and white jacket. She still hadn't figured out the girls name, but she was determined to know it by the end of the day.

As Tim was in the class he obviously saved her a seat next to him. So she laid her bag beside her while she sat down into the desk and pulled out her belongings waiting for the rest of the to class gather in.

"Do you know her name?" Sofia tapped on Tim's shoulder to point at the girl across from them.

"The ner- Um—Hailey? Hannah? Hallie...oh! Hazel!" he nodded his head after finally getting to the right name, which he said louder than he had thought causing the girl to turn around.

"Hm?" she hummed looking at the two.

"Oh sorry! Don't mind him" Sofia awkwardly laughed trying to cover up their conversation about the girl. She then turned to face the front of class as the two girls from the night before finally wondered into the class. Everyone seemed to be scared on them and barley talking to them besides Hazel.

"Alright, kiddos, welcome back to class. Check it out, today I gotta special lesson fo you" Mr. G started before being interrupted by Jeff stumbling into class on crutches causing everyone to stare at him, "Hey you good man?" he chimed in looking at the football player.

Sofia noticed Tim quickly getting up and moving things around so Jeff had a nice seat to sit in, the girl sometime swore that he was more in love with him than her. Then next thing she knew the boy was setting down the crutches on her desk, which earned him a harsh stare, "Can you please move these somewhere else?" Sofia asked him politely putting on a smile.

"Right!" he nodded to himself before taking them and moving them somewhere else before a sound of breaking glass rang throughout the room.

"What the hell is wrong with him" she muttered rolling her eyes.

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Lunch had finally made it way into the day and Sofia was sat with Thia, Isabel, and Brittany. "In first period this morning Tim put Jeff's crutches literally on my desk! He acts like there's no one more important than him" Sofia told the group of girls about her morning events.

"He's just trying to be a good friend" Isabel replied trying to make an excuse for him.

"Exactly" Brittany agreed while taking a bite of her carrots.

"You guys always defend him!" Sofia responded with her voice a little louder than usual before storming out of the cafeteria.

No matter who she talked to about her problems with Tim they always seemed to take his side even if he was completely in the wrong! If he cheated on her everyone would just come up with an excuse for him.

Then before she even knew it she was walking around outside near the football field. She walked behind the bleachers giving herself space from everyone. But the silence was interrupted when she heard someone's voice, "Hey"

"Sorry I'm not rea—" she started saying as she turned around, but quickly cut herself off when she saw the girl in front of her. "Um Hi" she awkwardly smiled at her, "Hazel, right?"

"Yeah" she responded nodding her head while holding her hands behind her back, "Anyways, my friends are starting a fight club and I was wondering if you'd wanna join? It's for like female solidarity in the school, which we really lack, so you should really come" her rambled which made Sofia find herself with a smile plastered across her face as she watched the girl nervously talk to her.

"Yeah I'll think about" she replied to her with the same smile on her face.

"Ok, well tell your other friends like Isabel and Brittany! Ok, um, yeah bye" she smiled before walking off leaving the brunette back in her silence.

authors corner.
so what are we thinking ?
hazel has like so little scenes so i'm trying to use some scenes already there but also making my own!

okk byeee have a good day, night, or afternoon wherever you are!


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