
Ellie was exhausted. She had managed to take Peter home early.

A few days later, as she helped him settle down for a nap, she got a sudden and worrying call from Stiles.

"Derek's dying!" Stiles screamed into her ear, and she swallowed thickly.

"What?!" She gasped out. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. "What the hell does that mean, Stiles?!"

Stiles started to ramble. "It means that Derek came to school looking for Scott because he needs some magic bullet that the Argent's have to counteract the poison from the bullet he was shot with!!!"

"He was shot!?" She shouted and cast a worried glance up at the ceiling, hoping to god she hadn't woken Peter.

"Scott took off to try and sneak into the Argent house, but I have no clue what to do with Derek!" Stiles cried out. "He is not looking good, and he is starting to stink."

Ellie grabbed her keys and rushed toward the door. "Stink?"

She heard Stiles swallow. "Like death."

Ellie bit her lip in worry. "Meet me at the Animal Clinic. Scott told me once where Deaton hides the spare key."


Stiles pulled to a sudden stop and threw open his door to run around to the other side and help Derek out of the Jeep.

Ellie cried out and rushed over to Derek's other side and slung his arm around her shoulder as she held him around his waist.

She pointed the rock out to Stiles, and he bent to retrieve the key and unlock the back entrance.

As they enter through the back door, Stiles fumbles around to open the next door. They seemed to be in some storage closet filled with dog and cat food bags.

Derek pulled away and slumped down on a stack of dog food, clenching onto his arm.

Ellie knelt beside him. He was pale and covered in sweat, breaths coming out in pants. She gently pried his hand away and rolled his sleeve up to get a better look and winced.

The hole was oozing blood, and his veins were blue and black, originating from the bullet hole and traveling up his arm.

"Scott needs to bring me that bullet." Derek ground out as he looked up at Ellie, eyes searching her face as he tried to take deep breaths.

Ellie bit her lip and looked up from his arm and into his vibrant green orbs. They seemed brighter than normal against the pale skin of his face.

"Why?" She asked softly just as Stiles let out a whoop as the door he was struggling with swung open.

Derek's gaze was intense. "Because I'm going to die without it."

Fear filled Ellie to her core, lips pursing as she tried not to cry. "You are not dying. Not before you explain this connection we seem to have." She whispered out between her lips in determination before helping Stiles haul Derek up and into the clinic.

Stiles led them to an exam room, flinging the door open and switching the lights on. "Okay."

Derek pulled away from Ellie and stumbled his way over to the exam table, ripping his long-sleeved black shirt up and over his head, tossing it to the side somewhere.

Ellie got a great view of his back, a tattoo of a Triskelion resting between his shoulders. And when he turned and leaned over the table, turning his arm up to examine it under the light, she got a great view of his front as well. She swallowed thickly. Now was not the time to oggle.

Impossible ➡️ Derek Hale | 1Where stories live. Discover now