Another note

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Im still here after what I thinks it's an year of no activity. As you may have seen already,i gave up on the second part. However i want to share some cute/interesting things about this story.

1. First of all,Arice was supposed to be a boy,to keep Japeth's cannon features,but then it would have been harder to make them have a kid,having to use magic explenation and all.

2. Second of all,do you remember that snake Arice had? If you payed attention to the official series,when tedros hears japeth's name for the first time he mispronouce it as "jacob",thats why i named her snake "jacob". It wasnt random.

3. Arice was actually supposed to die,and now that im thinking about it,i think it would have been better.

4. In the 20th chapter, the dialogue between Rhian and Japeth is the exact same from the book. I copy-pasted it,since the scene actually existed in the official story

5. Another plot idea i had was to make Rhian disguise as Japeth. Arice and japeth werent supposed to have sex to actually have a kid,but use a spansel,like evelyn did. And when arice had finally decided to put it around japeth's neck,it was actually rhian. But then i changed my mind because it was too dramatic and didnt want arice to raise rhian's kid.

6. Arice was actually supposed to marry William,after japeth died,and raise Fala as their legit child

7. If i would have kept writing the second part, "War and Roses", Tedros would be the one to kill Arice. He was supposed to stab her with excalibur,by accident,which ended up in Tedros being the reason Fala has no parents.

8. If Arice would have been a boy,she wouldnt have looked like Aric,not would she have had this name. She would have been a weak boy with grey hair. I made this character so similar to aric to compensate Japeth's hate towards women and have a reason to keep her alive

9. Fala,Arice and Japeth's kid, was supposed to have a sibling. Not japeth's kid,ofc,since he is dead,but Arice was supposed to marry William or some other man. But then i changed my mind and made her fall in love with pandora (again,if you read the second book) to accentuate my own love and admiration for women and write with passion.

10. I think this is the last one. Rhian was supposed to be the one who fell for arice first and brought her to camelot,then japeth saw her resamblance to aric. But Arice,as he know her,would have just rejected rhian in face and refused to go with him to camelot, so again,it made no sense why would she had gone with him.

Thats all,dears. Its been fun, and i hope you enjoyed my story,because i enjoyed your company 🥰

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