That the many noblemen and women who had foreign help or what did partner or nothing more than captives from their own countries taken and then sold to the highest bidder. Is one of the many reasons why so many of them rarely spoke barely learned the new language of the empire and even if they did you would really see them out without someone from the family with them at all times. It was a sad idea but a reality that Jade knew was probably a reality.

Just seen The elusive Sana Huang a few times. She understood why many fell for the beautiful woman. She had had the opportunity of witnessing her standing up for one of the maids that were being wrongfully punished by a fellow noblewoman. It was clear to see that there was barely anyone inside the palace that work there that didn't see the woman in high regards sadly that didn't account for her daughter.

Aeri Huang was seen as a conniving backstabbing bitch. She was only 25 years old but this was the fourth attempt for her to become a female official. In actuality she was there to find a husband but each time she had not been there long enough to snag someone not to mention she had had her eyes set firmly on Yixing for years.

It was honestly no surprise that she was now trying to latch herself on too ZhuZhu probably trying to find out anything that she could to break up FeiFei and Yixing. Something she hoped ZhuZhu was aware of. Then again dealing that she looked two seconds away from cursing her out. Maybe ZhuZhu wasn't as stupid as she had given her credit for. She couldn't help but sigh as she turned to the girl said she was with. Giving them a dismissive nod before making her way over. She may not necessarily feel the need to rescue the poor girl but the last thing she wanted was for anything to change in terms of the storyline for FeiFei. Since Yixing could always be quite a key player in the game of trust that she had begun to set up.

"ZhuZhu jiějie. It's quite lovely to see you today we haven't had time to catch up since the banquet. Oh and who is your friend here I don't think we've met." Daiyu smiled at the two.

Ignoring the wide eyes and hidden smirks of the palace help around them and the few girls that were lounging in the gardens. She was well aware of the fact that her so boldly stating that she had no clue who Aeri was, was a bold move. For how could anyone not know who she was with her looks being so similar to that of her mother's.

Yes it also got her exactly the reaction that she needed. As she sat there a gentle smile on her face her eyes filled with kindness compassion open slightly wider than normal giving off a more innocent to look. Meanwhile Aeri stood there with her jaw clenched the veil that should have been on her face in her hands bunched up. Nostril slightly flaring and eyes squinting as she tilted her head up looking down upon jade.

Clearly not seeing the looks of those around her. As the other girls begin to look at her and whisper.

"Oh meimei! I was actually looking for you today. I wanted to catch up before the exams tomorrow. Also this is..." Before ZhuZhu could even finish talking she was cut off.

"I'm Aeri Huang. Noble daughter and the closest family to be. Who are you? Some country rice farmer?"

Daiyu blinked I should just stared at the girl. Our face looking slightly confused as she tilted her head allowing for a slight flush to Grace her neck and cheek. Her eyes starting around as if she was watching the people around them before giving a pitying look to the woman in front of her.

On the inside Jade was absolutely screaming and delight. It took everything in her not to sneer or laugh in the woman's face as she slowly watched a look of horror take over as it seems she finally noticed where they were and what kind of audience that they had. Jade couldn't help but to open her fan Rising it up to her face blocking everything out except for her eyes and she said they're smiling listening to the gossip going on around them.

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