06 → Rugby Lads

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'Rugby Lads'

"Gabriel!" Elle exclaimed as she saw the boy, he jogged over with a smile before bringing the girl into a hug. "This is Darcy and Tara," she introduced, the other girls waving a hello.

"Great to meet you both," he replied with a smile just as Charlie came over, hugging Elle.

"Excuse me, where's our hug?" Tao complained, motioning to him and Isaac.

"I see you all the time," Charlie commented.

"And you don't like my hugs," Gabriel added as Tao glared at the boy.

Elle once again introduced Tara and Darcy, Darcy waving enthusiastically while Tara gave a small smile.

"Charlie! Gabriel!" She came over to the two boys. "I'm not gonna lie to yous, I'm mainly here to get acquainted with the local gays, but, you know," Darcy turned to Charlie. "You and Nick Nelson are looking suspiciously couple-y."

"Oh my god, please ignore her," Tara cut in, shocked at her girlfriend's comment.

"We're friends. He's my friend," Charlie replied awkwardly just as Gabriel's other friends arrived.

"Gabriel!" He head Anna call out as she ran in front of the others. He threw her arms around his neck almost knocking him over.

"Hi, glad yous could make it," he beamed at the group as they caught up. He turned to his school friends for introductions. "Your already know Jasmine but this is Anna, Lilly and Jack." They all said their hellos to each other apart from Jasmine who glared at Elle.

"Boo!" A familiar voice yelled from behind. Gabriel spun around to be met with Imogen.

"Hi!" He exclaimed, bringing the girl into a hug. "Guys this is Imogen," Gabriel introduced.

"Yeah, the ally," Darcy commented and snickered.

Imogen looked down in embarrassment, remembering the comment.

Gabriel looked between the girls in confusion before he heard the boys yelling and running off the field. "Charlie, we better go now," he told the Spring boy who nodded in response. They received a chorus of good lucks before they left.

"Quick question," Charlie broke the silence. "Why are the other team literal adult men?"

"They're a specialist sports school." Nick replied.

"Well that's f*cking great," Gabriel commented. "Confidence, gone,"

"Lilly, stop!" He heard Anna yell. He turned to see Lilly waving at the boys as they ran past.

"This lives up to what I was promised."

The whistle blew and everyone got in their positions.

"Go on, Gabriel!" he head Imogen yell.

The match started.

Then St John's got the first point.

Then another.

Then another.

Then another until they had 14 of them.

By this time it started raining, thunder cracked through the sky and the pitch was slowly turning into a swamp. It seemed that every time Gabriel was thrown the ball he would immediately get tackled. He thought of all the bruises that would litter his body tomorrow.

"Hang in there boys!" The coach yelled.

By 35 points, all happiness had drained from the Truham boys.

"Come on, lads!" Harry yelled, a slight annoyance in his voice.

"We can do it!" Nick exclaimed, trying to encourage the team.

The whistle blew and after a few passes, Gabriel had the ball. He ran, the fastest he ever, despite his shoes sinking into the waterlogged earth, he could see the line.


Gabriel was tackled to the ground, loosing grip off the ball and landing on his arm funny. He cried out in pain, pushing himself up with the other hand into a sitting position.

"Mate, you alright?" A voice said from above him, it was a boy from the other team. The shouting now was at a distance as they were at the other end of the pitch.

"Ah, f*cking sh*t," Gabriel swore as he tried moving his arm. There was a commotion at the other end, then a whistle blew. The match had ended.

The boy from St John's waved coach Singh over. "Oh, Gabriel, what have you done?" The woman jogged over, kneeling next to the boy.

"Well," he began to explain, talking through his teeth because of the pain but stopped because it hurt too much. Coach Singh and the St John's boy helped him up. The boy from the other team began to walk Gabriel to the medical room but was stopped when they reached the other Truham boys.

He was walked to the medical room by Harry who them left him after Gabriel convinced him to leave.

"Hi," Jasmine came into the silent room. Gabriel smiled, still gripping his arm. "You look like sh*t."

"I wonder why," he replied, wincing when he laughed.

"Got your private room and a private lift to the hospital soon," Jasmine joked before sitting beside him on the medical bed.

"Singh had a go at Harry for not staying with you. I know you don't like him so I offered to go," she informed, smiling at the boy beside him.

"Yeah, it was a bit awkward. Also he tried giving me a wet paper towel," Gabriel laughed, once again wincing.

"The f*cking idiot," Jasmine laughed with the boy before pulling out her phone. Before she could say something, the door opened, revealing Imogen.

"Oh, I didn't know you were here," she said, looking at Jasmine. Gabriel noticed he had a strange expression but he couldn't quite place it.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Jasmine replied with a glare.

"Sorry, I'll leave yous alone."

With that, she left.


Jasmine cut him off before he could finish. "We should call Frankie, Coach Singh probably only called your dad and Jenifer and they would only be able to meet you in two hours," she informed, scrolling through her contacts then calling Francesca.

"Hey Frankie! Gabriel broke his arm," Jasmine greeted the older sister.

"He what?" The sixth former exclaimed.

"Hi Frankie," Gabriel interjected, a quieter tone that usual.

"Are you alright? How did it happen? Wait, do I need to start driving to the hospital? Where are you now?" Francesca began to ramble, worried for her younger brother - Jasmine answered all her questions.

"Okay, I'll meet yous there. Also before I forget, our grandparents are coming over for the week and dad says he's got a big announcement."

Gabriel groaned. If the announcement had to do something with Jenifer, he knew the week would be full of arguments. "Okay, thanks for letting me know."

Jasmine and Gabriel said their goodbyes to Francesca before Jasmine turned to the boy. "You can come over mine if your week turns to hell," Jasmine informed, giving Gabriel a small smile.

"Thanks," he returned it just as the paramedics arrived.


Stay away from Gabriel
I know what you're playing at
He doesn't need another
person hurting him

Hi pretty people!

Chapter 6 complete! I've also been working on other fics so watch out for those :)

- Bubbles

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