05 → Phone Calls and Group Chat Spams

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'Phone Calls and Group Chat Spams'

Gabriel sat on his bed, Venus in his lap as he listened to Imogen talking about Nick over the phone.

"I know he didn't say anything but I think he likes me back," she commented. He could practically hear her grin from the other side of the line. "I think I'm gonna ask him out after the match."

Slowly, a funny feeling began to rise from the depths of his gut and swirl around his stomach like butterflies in the summer. What it jealously? Anxiety? Fear? The feeling could not be placed.

"Let me guess, cinema and Nando's?" Gabriel asked the girl.

"No... well, maybe, yes," Imogen defended but then admitted to the idea. "Well then where would you take a girl you liked?"

"If I liked someone maybe I'd take them ice skating or maybe we'd cook something together then fall asleep on the couch watching Netflix," he replied, satisfied with his answer - maybe he had watched to many date night TikTok's.

Imogen picked up on the use of 'someone', was it accidental or deliberate? A weird feeling sat in her gut but she couldn't place why. "Isn't the last one a homemade idea of my one?"

"Maybe? But it's still better, less people," he argued, petting Venus before she bit him. "Ow, you b*tch! That wasn't to you," Gabriel added before putting the phone on speaker so he could put the rabbit back in its cage.

"Are you alright?"

"Sorry, my rabbit just bit me. I think she's been bribed by my sister."

"Woah, wait, you have a rabbit and a sister?" Imogen asked, wondering how she didn't know this despite knowing Gabriel for a few weeks. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It never came up, I guess," he replied, biting back the urge to tell her it's because of her recent obsession with Nick Nelson. "But, yeah, I do have a rabbit, her name is Venus. I also have three sisters and a brother; Francesca, Celina, Juliet and Oliver. I'm the second oldest," Gabriel informed the girl.

"Wow, bet it's hectic in the house?"

"You could say that..." Gabriel agreed, trailing off before changing the subject. "Match next week. You're gonna be cheering for me?"

"Oh," Imogen said, not expecting the subject change. "Of course I am, number one cheerleader right here," she replied with a small laugh.

"Glad to hear it but hope you mean it because my friends are coming to watch the match and some of them are from the theatre, they now how to yell," Gabriel told Imogen with a smirk.

Of course I mean it, just wait and see," the girl replied before swearing. "Sh*t, it's four already. Sorry I have to go help my mam. I'll see you at the match."

"Bye, I'm looking forward to it," he said before she ended the call.

Gabriel let out a sigh and flopped on his bed, staring at the ceiling, praying for the familiar feeling to go away.

Murder plot #4

Who's still coming to
my match?

Lady M

Watching handsome boys
running around and tackling
each other?
Of course I'm still going 😍

You think I'm handsome, Lilly?

Maybe a little
Too bad you kill me :(

Electric Love ⇒ Heartstopper  [ON HOLD]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt