With that game plan firmly insight. Jay decided to relax a little. Joining in on the conversation Jia was having. As they slowly made there way back to there new home.

Meanwhile elsewhere

ZhuZhu looked down as she was being scolded. Old Madame Liu absolutely ripping on you on into her if it seem that her going off to be with her friends and sector 1 was found upon especially doing that she did not ask her old madam for permission first.

ZhuZhu honestly couldn't understand why everyone was acting the way that they were. Were they not supposed to intermingle with the other girls? Is it not a good thing that she became close with any of the noblewoman? If anything they should be happy pricing car even the fact that she was able to go from section 9 to section 1 even if just as a guest would mean something right?

"ZhuZhu this old madam happened to know exactly what happened at the feast tonight. Do you not know that those girls were trying to embarrass you and your beloved friend Daiyu. They wanted you to make a fool of yourself in front of the emperor and Crown prince. If your friend did not sit there and properly say hi back to you if she would have acted the way that you had you both would have been seen in a bad light. Did you not confess that you wanted to marry the crown prince? How can you do so when you are allowing for the noble ladies to use you as entertainment are you unaware that most of them are also vying for your beloved hand in marriage to become the next empress?"

ZhuZhu's had snapped up so quickly the many of the girls who were listening in around section 9 I swear that they heard an actual breaking sound. It was the first time any of them had seen such a fiery look in the naive looking girls eyes and ugly look on her pretty face adhering the fact that those girls that she saw as friends were truly after her beloveds hand and marriage.

"What?!? B-but that can't be right. I had told them about our love story not all of them of course just the two befriended me they're well aware of the fact that I am promised to the Crown Prince none of them could possibly even think to----"

Laughter. Nothing but laughter surrounded her as many of the girls around started giggling some of them fall out laughing. The old madam looked at her with a pitying look but it was one of the top girls of her sector that stepped forward. Standing directly in front of the poor naive girl. A soft hand reaching out to Pat her head.

"You poor naive stupid child. Are you aware of how many young girls are just like you? I can tell you right now while you are the fool here in sector 9 there are exactly seven more girls just like you that are being talked about in their own sectors how do I know this because the top girl of each sector with the exception of the last three have already met. All together there are 20 of you if I'm correct who the Crown Prince had visited your poor little villages or your cities outside of the inner sanctum and played with those children who he then sat there and thought was pretty enough and promise that he'd marry them one day just to leave them and to go ahead and do the same thing again and again and again. You are not special and you are not going to be the next empress if you keep acting like this."

Caihong stated. ZhuZhu cannot believe her ears but she was also well aware that the jiějie in front of her wouldn't lie. I should have made it very obvious from the very beginning that she wanted as many of the girls from her sector to truly make it.

But it was paying a bit of a damper on her spirits. Was she really just one of many girls? Was Daiyu and FeiFei right all along? Should she had studied the material they had given her to help her have an edge in competing for the prince's heart and affection?

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