Chapter 57

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Dating was such an important concept that even those with low EQ knew about it. But how was dating done?

Jungkook's SQ Company had begun to garner some fame. However, only a handful of people knew that he was the owner. Most people were aware that the executive manager was a handsome and frivolous man named Bamabam, but that was it.

Bambam was one of Jungkook former classmates, and a current friend. As frivolous Bambam seemed, he was actually an effective network master who controlled a number of network studios.

"President Jeon, hey, hey, boss, can't you show some consideration and not have such a lovesick expression on your face? A loner like me can't stand it, okay?" Bambam had been enduring for so long that he finally cracked. Who told Jungkook to space out so many times?

Although Jungkook was the owner of SQ Company, he left most of the work to the others. It was rare to see him in the building, as he tended to give instructions through the phone. For once, he was at the company, but he kept spacing out. They hadn't even finished discussing the official business yet, which seriously irritated Bambam.

"You can't stand it?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow, feeling disdainful rather than embarrassed.

After all, he fell in love with Su Lisa at first sight and was extremely loyal, while a playboy like Bambam was extremely fickle. In that aspect, they were complete opposites, so it wasn't unreasonable for Jungkook to look down on him. However, it was really just a matter of style.

"Boss, are you looking down on me? You didn't even tell me that you got married, how dare you look down  on me? When you were frolicking with your sweetheart, I was over here working my ass off! Where's your conscience?" Bambam complained bitterly, though his tone brimmed with undisguised laughter.

"Did you forget to take your medicine?" Jungkook shot him a cold glare, completely unabashed. As the boss, it was his duty to find and make good use of other talented individuals. If he had to do things himself, why would he need subordinates?

"Tut-tut, boss, you even know how to tell cold jokes now? Is this due to the influence of sister-in-law?" Bambam asked in a gossipy way. He really was curious about how Jungkool managed to get together with Su Lisa. What was his secret? And why didn't he tell him about the marriage? Even someone as conceited as Bambam was impressed.

Jungkook stared at him  expressionlessly. His eyes had turned a bit cold, which immediately pushed Bambam to rein himself in. He sat down obediently and cleared his throat before saying, "Boss, let's continue talking about work. I think working with the Su company on their tourist resort is a great idea. If we..."

Bambam proceeded to give a detailed report on his work, but it was obvious that he hadn't given up on getting the details of Jungkook and Su Lisa's love story. Jungkook looked at him, eyes flashing. Suddenly, the man asked, "How do you usually chase girls?"

Immediately, Bambam's eyes lit up. He answered, "When do I ever need to chase girls? Every time I step out, I get surrounded by all kinds of beauties."

With his good looks, body, fashion sense, job, and humor, Bambam was indeed very popular with girls.
However, after hearing his response, Jungkook chastised himself for being stupid. Did he really just ask a playboy for relationship advice? What kind of joke was that? Lisa was right to say that he was dumb!

"Get back to work!" He decided to rely on himself instead.

"Ahh, don't. Let's keep discussing this. How do I chase girls? Could you be that you want to chase girls too? You can't do that, boss. You and Su Lisa are already married. Then again, boss, you don't seem like a playboy. Otherwise, you wouldn't have looked down on me for so many years. Are you trying to chase President Lisa then? Chasing her after the two of you got married? Boss, what are you trying to do?" Bambam asked with bright eyes.

Jungkook remained silent and decided that he would rather die than tell Bambam about his dilemma. If he did, Bambam would definitely  laugh at him.

"Boss, tell me! I'm a veteran at this, so if you have any problems, I can give you advice!" Bambam persisted.

When Jungkool fell in love with Su Lisa and later married her in secret, none of his friends had known. After their marriage was made public, several of them had called to question him, and although he admitted to it, he never went into detail.

"Don't give any bad ideas." He really didn't trust Bambam, who seriously lacked credibility in relationships.

"Don't underestimate me, boss. At least, I've had a few dozen girlfriends already, so I can easily come up with a ton of different ideas. And if you don't like my ideas, you can choose to not use them." Bambam was curious about Jungkook's relationship problems, but he was extra curious because Jungkook's other half was Su Lisa.

After all, who in the upper society of City A didn't know about Lisa? She could be considered the upper society's princess, though her success with Resplendent Entertainment had caused several people to call her "Queen" instead. It only served to prove how capable and powerful she was.

Who would've expected her to marry his Boss Jeon? Bambam refused to be kept in the dark about such sensational news!

Jungkook felt somewhat touched, mainly because his date was coming up, and he still had no idea what he was going to do. After all, he had never been on a date before, and he had a feeling that Lisa wouldn't like the typical date ideas. He had tried and failed to think of something, so he reluctantly decided to give Bambam a chance.

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