Chapter 5

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Lisa's phone rang with an incoming call. Without even checking, she knew it was from her assistant. The familiar caller name made her narrow her eyes slightly, and the air around her seemed to drop in temperature. Her eyes even flickered with murderous intent.

Off to the side, as Jungkookwatched, his expression also became more solemn, and he couldn't help but begin to speculate who the call was from.

Immediately upon answering, Lisa spat out a cold "wait" and walked outside. However, with just this action and her response, Jungkook was able to conclude who the caller was.

Lisa had two personal assistants; a male and a female. The male was called Chen, and he was responsible for handling the company's external connections and communications. The girl was called Eunbi, and she was responsible for Lisa's personal affairs.

The two could be considered her left and right hands, so naturally, she trusted them very much. Usually, Eunbi was the one in charge of picking Lisa up.

This was the same Eunbi who had ended up betraying Lisa in her past life, and it was not only betrayal but blatant murder. By concocting a car accident, she'd succeeded in sending Lisa into a vegetative state for two years until Wang Jieun came along and finally killed Lisa off.

Lisa knew about Eunbi's betrayal because when she was a stuck being a human vegetable, Eunbi and Wang Jieun had stood together by her bedside and told her themselves.

Every single word had been imbued with malice and jealousy, their dissatisfaction towards her, their hatred for her, and most importantly, the scheme they'd devised to use against her.

The image of their vicious faces at the time was still impossibly vivid in Lisa's mind. Thinking about the scene again caused the cold aura around her body intensity more.

Jungkook looked on and started to worry.

He had a feeling that something big was about to happen. Though there were several rumors that Depicted Lisa's cruelty, this was his first time seeing such a bone-chilling and murderous expression on her face.

Unfortunately, in the end, it didn't matter how worried he was. He could only stand in one place as his gaze trailed after her departing figure. The look in his eyes became deep and serene.

For the sake of chasing after this woman, he'd truly put up a desperate fight, but years had passed, and the distance between them showed no signs of closing. He was helpless- so helpless and he seemed to have become accustomed to this helplessness.

Because of the divorce plans, he'd freed up his entire day. Now, he had nothing to do. He went into the study. Recently, he received the Starlight Film Emperor Award, so all of the scripts he could select from went up by a grade. One of them was a fantasy drama called "Demon Meteorite). He liked it enough to consider taking it up.

However, after more than ten minutes had passed, he still couldn't focus on the script. The image of Lisa  and how cold she had looked before leaving was stuck in his mind.

Just what had happened?

Jungkook shifted his attention over to the computer. He turned it on and went directly onto Resplendent Entertainment's official website. Everything was normal.

Next, he went onto his own official webpage, and there, it was as lively as always.

As he read over the myriad of comments, he really didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. The gossipy ones especially; they rendered him speechless. He was clearly clean and possessed excellent self-control, pouring his whole heart and soul into pursuing Lisa, and yet he was still involved in rumors and scandals.

Some insisted on making groundless claims about him and an actress he'd worked with recently, and others were just completely fabricated out of nothing. He didn't even know where all of these women came from, and he had no choice but to hand it over to the imaginations of his fans.

He kept scrolling until a comment made by a fan named "Jeon's Little Sister" caught his eye.

[Big Brother Jeon, I heard you fell in love again. Is it true love this time?]

True love? He only had one true love!

Maybe it was because he'd been struck with too much excitement in just the span of one morning, but he really didn't know what he was thinking when he did what he did next. That comment was like a fire match, frying his brain until before he knew it, he had posted a message on the website.

[I have only one true love, and I'll love her for life. The relations mentioned in scandals are completely fabricated, none of them are true!]

To the outside world, Jungkook's most notable qualities consisted of his monarch-like overbearance, good looks, masculinity, and his dignified and lofty aura. However, he was actually a very lowkey person. He never took part in any variety shows or talk shows. Aside from shooting films, he would... shoot films.

Contact with fans was negligible, and he didn't even have any personal posts on his official webpage. Everything was managed by his assistant. For these reasons, Jungkook's fans were labeled as the most pitiful fans in the entertainment world.

If it weren't for how outstanding he was, he never would've reached his current level of popularity.

And now, he had thrown his entire webpage into chaos. After the initial shock wore off, a herd of fans frantically began to leave comments.

[Warning! Warning! Film Emperor's webpage has been hacked, an impostor has left a fake message!]

[Shameless hacker, how dare you pose as Big Brother Jeon! Plank him!]

[What kind of ruse is this? I feel a bit dizzy, I think I just saw an alien!]

[Big Brother Jeon, Planet Earth is so
scary, please take me away from here!]

There was a number of comments, each one more far-fetched than the one before, but their contents could all be summed up with one sentence: None of them believed it was Jungkook himself who had posted the message.

His fans were arrogant in calling themselves "Imperial Fans," and as an Imperial Fan would say: Our Emperor Jeon would never say something like that! Absolutely not!

Jungkook glared at the screen and couldn't restrain himself from typing again. He wanted to say that he was the real Jungkook, but two characters later, he received a call from his agent, Kai.

"Did you write that message on your official webpage? Did you go crazy?"

"It was me. I didn't go crazy." All he had wanted to do was tell everyone that his heart was already taken, and he didn't want to be caught up in those messy rumors and scandals anymore.

"You didn't go crazy, but you still dared to say that kind of thing? Do you know how much trouble you've just caused? Do you think that just because you became the Film Emperor, you can do anything you want? Do you know what you just caused?"

Kai was speaking in a very harsh tone, and the anger in his voice couldn't be more obvious. The reprimand didn't sit well with Jungkook.

As a veteran of Resplendent Entertainment, Kai had entered the company much earlier than Jungkook did, and the man would often put on airs in front of Jungkook. He actually didn't like this agent of his that much, but Lisa had personally selected the agent for him. Even if he was dissatisfied, he wouldn't voice it.

Besides, Kai was indeed very competent.

That didn't mean he had no temper though.

"Watch your tone. If you don't know how to handle this, then I'll go find someone who does," Jungkook said coldly.

Kaiwas capable, yes, but most of the time, the two would find themselves on completely different pages. Jungkook knew about all of the little tricks Kai  had pulled over the years.

If it wasn't for his worry over how Lisa  would react, Jungkookwould've switched to new agent already.

[Little Theater]

Film Emperor: Wifey, today my brain overheated and I err'd. What to do?

Beloved Wife: Fear If anything happens, I'll protect you!

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