It Can't Happen Again!

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"I don't know how you managed to sneak in here. You must have waited for security to get distracted," the woman continued as she led June towards the elevator. "Who sent you? Do you have cameras?" 

June's lips trembled as the woman stared at her sternly. Finally, the girl spoke through tears. 


The woman impatiently pressed the elevator button. "What? Please, answer already!" It was then that she shook June roughly, causing the girl to start crying. 

"Did you really think you could get away with this? This is a private place," the woman said, assuming that the girl's tears were due to being caught. "You're lucky you're a child. If you were an adult, I'd be calling the police, so calm down." 

Inside the elevator, she began to pat her down for any items or papers. She put her hands in the pockets and found a piece of candy and not much else. When the elevator doors opened, the woman shoved June roughly out of it and gave a disdainful look to both the receptionist and the security guard.

"Do your job, please. Do you want to get fired?" she snapped before walking away.

"What's going on?" asked the security guard, surprised.

The woman pointed at the girl. "What's going on? The girl got in without being seen and made it all the way up!" she said, leaving the security guard bewildered.

Once outside the building, the woman turned to June with a stern expression. 

"Go to your parents and never, under any circumstances, try to come back. Otherwise, we might take action against your parents. Understood?"

June tried to re-enter the building in search of Scarlett. She was so frightened that her words were barely comprehensible, and her crying sounded like a heartbreaking sob. 

"What are you doing? Get out of here! This is a business, not a place to get autographs or steal" the woman released June abruptly and went back inside. "You should pay more attention; it should be your responsibility" she exclaimed as she entered the elevator, addressing the security guard.

June trembled as she looked at the busy street, feeling utterly lost and terrified. Tears continued to stream down her cheeks, and her little heart beat forcefully. She covered her ears with her hands in a desperate attempt to block out the noise, while several people in suits walked past her, paying no attention. Meanwhile, the receptionist and the security guard watched the girl with a mix of concern and bewilderment.

An older woman, wearing a kind smile, exited The Outset and greeted the receptionist and the security guard. She came to a halt when she saw June crying while looking around. The girl didn't know how to get to the parking lot from there, and a woman approached her. Terrified, June took a step back, dangerously close to the edge of the curb.

"Oh, dear, the road can be very dangerous —the woman gently took the girl away from the edge. "Sometimes they drive like complete maniacs" the elderly woman commented. "Have you hurt yourself, little one?"

June nodded her head.

"Are you hungry?" the woman asked again, her voice warm and understanding. "I'm Amelia; my café is right there," she pointed to the small, cozy corner establishment, a welcoming refuge that contrasted with the imposing office buildings surrounding it. "I make a delicious hot chocolate and some cookies that are finger-licking good. Would you like some?"

June glanced at the café and then back at the woman. Fear enveloped her, feeling trapped in an unfamiliar place with no one she knew to turn to. Finally, she took Amelia's hand, and they crossed the street together. As the girl walked away with the woman, the receptionist and the security guard assumed she must be her granddaughter.

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