Chapter 6

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The next morning, my father asked me to meet him in the gardens. As I made my way out of my sleeping chambers and down the grand staircase, I was met by a pair of icy blue eyes waiting at the bottom for me. He simply watched as I made my way to the last stair and then placed his arm out for me to take. I placed my arm around his, immediately uneasy at our close proximity. This was the closest we had been since meeting and the first time we had interlocked our arms.

"Good Morning." I offered, attempting to ease the tension. 

"Morning." He responded, seemingly unfazed by our closeness. "Your father asked me to take you to the gardens this morning."

"Oh, well I very well could have taken myself there." Declan chuckled. 

"Oh, I know you could have. But how could I decline the wishes of the King of France?" He gave me a quick side-eyed glance. "Besides, I am heading in that direction myself. You know, my daily escape to the stables." 

"Oh, I see." I instantly yearned to follow him there and be amongst the horses and the grassy green Irish hills. 

"Care to join me after?"  He must have noticed my astonished expression since he quickly added, "What? I enjoy the challenge of having a half-decent rider accompanying me. You are much better than the rest of the sorry chaps here." 

"I am shocked that you called me half-decent. Such a high compliment." I smiled smugly. "Since you asked so nicely, I would not be opposed to joining you after." The thought of being with Tormey again calmed me down instantly. I nearly forgot that my arm was laced through Declan's. 

"That settles it then. We shall race." He declared. 

"Alright then. But remember, you asked for it." His face lit up with the thought of a challenge. 

As we approached the gardens, we saw my father waiting for me. However, we were also quite stunned to see King Seamus and Queen Nadine sitting beside him. Immediately, Declan tensed up beside me and dropped my arm. His smile now replaced with a cold expressionless face. I left his side and took the seat next to my father.

"Good Morning, Papa." I then looked towards the King and Queen. "Good Morning." 

"Good Morning, Genevieve." King Seamus responded. Queen Nadine smiled and nodded in return.

"Bonjour, mon petite fille. How was your rest?" My father pat my leg gently. 

"Well. Papa, is everything alright?" I asked, briefly gesturing to the guests that had joined our meeting unexpectedly. 

"We wanted to discuss something with you, and Declan." My father gestured to Declan, who immediately became rigid. "Declan, please take a seat with us for a moment." Declan took the open seat next to his parents without a word and gave them a confounded look. They simply looked toward my father to continue.

"As you know, we made these arrangements three months back." I knew he was referring to Declan and I's martial arrangement. I made a quick glance at Declan, however, his eyes were intently focused on my father. "We expected to allow you an additional three months of courting here in Ireland. To get acquainted with one another, before..." My father frowned. "Before you were to officially wed. However, circumstances have changed." Declan's eyes intensified. 

"What has changed then?" Declan interrupted. I could not place the tone of his voice. A mixture of fear and excitement.

"Declan, respect the King and allow him to speak."  King Seamus asserted. Declan moved back in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest. "Apologies, please continue, King Ansel." My father nodded in acknowledgement and then continued. 

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