Chapter 5

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The stables housed countless horses, of all colours and sizes. Each one unique and beautiful in its own right. However, a grey one with a dark black mane stood out amongst the others. His gaze was gentle and made me feel a sense of peace for the first time since arriving in Ireland. 

"That is Tormey." Declan walked over and pet the horse's back. "Brought over from Spain."

"Hello Tormey." I gently pet his face. Declan walked away and began to saddle a larger, deep brown horse, a similar colour to Declan's own unkempt hair. "Are you planning on riding?" I inquired. Declan nodded without taking his eyes off the horse. "May I join you?" I loved riding horses and missed it greatly. Ever since Mother had informed me that I would be wed off to the Prince of Ireland, I had to stop. Mother decided that there was not enough time for me to do the activities I fancied. There was only time to prepare to be a wife and mother. My days leading up to arriving in Ireland involved lots of etiquette, history, and dance lessons. 

"This ride is not suitable for a lady." Declan's familiar icy tone had returned. I was getting quite irritated with him switching his personality so often. He was so incredibly difficult to read.

"Why not?" I quickly challenged. He stood quietly for a moment, as if trying to think of a proper reason. 

"It will be fast and off path. Most definitely ill-equipped for riding sidesaddle." He smirked. 

"Then I shall not ride sidesaddle." I huffed. I truly despised when women and girls were kept from participating in enjoyable activities simply because men had decided we were "ill-equipped" to do so. I walked over to the wall of saddles and selected a suitable-looking one for my size. I felt Declan's icy eyes on me as I saddled Tormey, kicked off my shoes, and hoisted myself up onto his strong back. I kicked Tormey's sides and we quickly made our way out of the stables and towards the open grassy fields. A few moments later, Declan approached us from the rear. We rode in silence for a short time before he finally spoke.

"Do you ride often then?" His tone was gentle and inquisitive this time he spoke. I felt the urge to roll my eyes, but repressed myself. 

"I suppose so. As often as I am able." I glanced over to my side where Declan now rode. His brown hair was now somehow more disheveled than usual from the wind. 

"You are quite good." Startled by the compliment, I waited a moment before deciding how to respond. 

"I am very fond of horses. We have stables back in France, as well. My favorite horse looks quite similar to Tormey here." I pet his black mane gently. "I actually spend most of my free moments in the stables with the horses. It's quite peaceful really, in comparison to the chaos within the palace walls." My face scrunched up in displeasure as memories of the chaotic palace and my Mother filled my mind. I had only been in Ireland for two days time, yet already could sense a stark difference in the atmospherics of the palaces. Ireland seemed much better off. Maybe I could actually enjoy my life here. Ride during my free hours, read in the rose garden, play with Trevor and Ronan. It could be an enjoyable life, as long as my future husband allowed it to be. I stole a glance of Declan once more. I still could not sense whether he would be a kind husband or at least a fair one. We did not need to necessarily get along, but as long as he gave me my freedoms, I could live here contently. I thought of my Mother and Fathers's relationship. They rarely spoke, unless required. My Father granted her certain freedoms, simply to avoid seeing her throughout the day. They even now slept in separate parts of the palace. Once Jerome was born, there was no longer a requirement to conceive additional heirs. They had their heir, Phillipe, and their spare, Jerome. And they also had me, their daughter, to marry off for political gain. There was no longer a requirement to spend time in their martial chambers together. I grimaced at the thought of having a relationship at all similar to my parents'. I had always imagined a better life for myself. One with not only a kind husband, but one that was starkly loyal and honest. A relationship that would be written in history as true love. Suddenly the thought of conceiving with Declan crossed my inner thoughts. How could we possibly bed each other when he seemed so displeased with my existence? My face must have looked fearful, as Declan chose that exact moment to finally respond and cease my panic-stricken thoughts.

"You know, I feel comparably to you. Riding is an escape from my responsibilities. Even if only for a brief moment." He smiled softly at me, his eyes were now warm and understanding. I smiled in return. We slowed to a halt as we approached a cliffside. The sun had began to set and the sky was now full of a beautiful swirl of orange and pink clouds. We stopped and watched in silence until the sky changed to a deep blue and the last remaining bits of orange began to fade. 

"We should head back." I finally pierced the peaceful silence between us. "We are late to dinner. Our families will worry." Declan looked over, with quiet contentment apparent on his face, and nodded. 

"Well, I suppose we should hurry back then." A small grin made its way to his lips as he broke into a gallop. I followed suit and we raced through the grassy hills back to the palace. 


After we unsaddled the horses, we quickly made our way to the dining hall. As we approached the large oak doors, I began to attempt to flatten the wrinkles in my dress. I was already quite embarrassed that we were late to my second dinner at the palace, I did not want to also look foolish. As my mother's former insults began to run through my head, Declan suddenly stepped in front of me and reached his hands to my head, carefully straightening the crown that rested upon it. A small smile found its way to his lips. 

"We should ride again." He stated softly as his hands gently brushed my hair flat around my crown once more. My breath caught in my throat at his touch. 

"Very well." I forcibly breathed out. After one last look at me, he turned and pushed open the doors, where we were greeted by his entire family and my father once more. 

"There you are! I was beginning to wonder if I would have to send the guards out looking for you two." Queen Nadine smiled at us. 

"Mother, you know there is never a need for that. We simply went for a ride and now we are here, as promised." Declan took his seat.

"Very well then. How was this ride that kept you from us?" She inquired. My father held out my chair for me, as I took my assigned seat across from Declan.

"Quite pleasant." Declan glanced over at me, a small smile making his way to his lips. "Genevieve is a quite skilled rider. Nearly as good as myself." 

"I believe you misspoke and meant stronger ride than yourself." I quickly countered wittily. He smirked at me as the table began to break out into laughter. 

We spent the rest of the evening stealing glances across the dining table, as our families laughed and shared stories. His touch still lingered on my hair. 

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